Hubert J. Simpson

I just assumed her OCD + self-loathing would drive Q-tip #2 into her eardrum and send her back to the ER.

I just assumed her OCD + self-loathing would drive Q-tip #2 into her eardrum and send her back to the ER.

You know what's smaller than an elbow? Well, a lot of things. But also a Q-tip!

Seeing an ex triggers a shitload of bad behavior. And after the alcoholic relapse, it's kinda downhill from there.

Really? I could handle the sex scene but I couldn't handle Marney singing.

So you do coverage of that terrible Copper but not for Ripper Street? WTF man?

I predict a hit. America loves a zero-to-hero messiah story.

It really says something about American TV writers that torture is barely controversial in its morality and is always 100% effective.

You know what, AV Club? YOU are the perfect drug… the perfect drug… the perfect drug.

Kirk Hammet on a secluded ranch, petting his horse. "This is real."

Regarding _The Following_: "So as it turns out, Joe’s 'big plan' involved suing under his eighth amendment rights"

And suddenly my DVR is wiped clean like Alderaan.

…but less flippant?

Your problem is that Arsenio Beckman did NOT know about this.

Did Ebert set the standard with Dark City and and Citizen Kane?

Whoopie okay?

The pig says, "My wife is a slut."

Who has Drudge-style, right-wing link bait on every page? AV Club or Salon? Oh yes, Salon.

Andrea's head in the fish tank

I can't help feeling that Harmon would panic about the quality of the episode and insert a poop joke.