Jimmy Dread

Or as I call them; Angry Voice, Fatty Fall Down, and Peter Dinklage.

"I am internet, hear me bore."

I expect to visit this thread in a few days and this post will be gone and I'll be like "What happened to that post?" and they'll be like "What post?" and I'll be like "That one by bradley" and they'll be like "That one by WHO?"

Well, they did say they wanted to make this one scarier.

The guy with the tats should have brought a coat. Look at your friends, all toasty warm with their sleeves, and you over there shivering with your arms crossed. You wanted to look all tough but how tough are you going to look when you catch a cold? Not tough all when youve got that drippy nose and your sneezing all

He has me brainwashed to the point that when I read Scott Hutchison's answer I quitely sang "It's been awhile!" out loud to myself.

Oyelowo! Tailspin!
Oyelowey! Tailspin!
All the trouble we get in,
With another tale to spin!

You haven't fallen behind, the final season doesn't start until next month.

To cappadocius I leave my collection of 1995 Fleer Ultra Spiderman Cards.

This looks like something that would be fun to watch right after I take a leathally large amount of sleeping medication. I can watch that cozy fire and adorable pup as I let deaths cold embrace wash over me. Sweet sweet relief, internet.

You are wrong.

I've watched their reviews of the Prequels more times than I've watched the actual movies.

I prefer Don Dimello's Disney's Frozen. There's something for daddy.

I wish one of the windows just had feet dangling from the ceiling and read "Internet commentators, hopefully soon."

Charles Nelson Rielly died in 2007.

This could be so incredible if handled correctly. Four films could be perfect.
Film 1: The birth and spread of the epidemic.
Film 2: Traveling to Boulder/Vegas
Film 3: Life in Boulder/Vegas
Film 4: Traveling to Vegas / Climax

Suck a tailpipe.

Based on someone mentioning it here a few weeks ago I started listening to Hardcore History and have since listened to every free episode, there are only like 7 but most of them are around 3 hours long so that's saying a lot. Dan is such a great narrarator. Can't wait for the next Blueprint.


It looks like a split tennis ball.