Jimmy Dread

Huge fan, I've read everything he's written. To me there are three types of King books. There are his best works which are actually deep and powerful books (The Stand, It, The Green Mile), then his really fun sort of throw away pop corn novels (most of the others), and then the just really awful airport garbage (only

The interesting thing to me is that not only do I disagree with the dislike of the game but I would say the experience I had with it was nothing at all like what was described in the review. The game makers made a lot of "there are several ways to play through this game" comments and that seems like it must be true. I


Starring Nick Kroll as El Chupacabra

The AV Club

Closing up the plug bag, ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong
Clossssing up closssing up clossssing up clossssing up
That's a good song.

Haha, literally two days ago a friend sent a group text saying he's having a kid, I was the first person to respond and said "Oh wow man, sorry." which was followed by like 6 congrats responses from everyone else.


Agree 100% with what you said about Destiny. It's mindless fun and 99% of the time when I'm playing it I've got earbuds in listening to a podcast.
It's pretty annoying theres no chat feature though, I haven't really teamed up with any randoms for any more than a single raid, without the ability to speak to them there

Guardian has a review, gave it five stars.

2 x 0 = 0


If she's wrong she isn't just wrong though. Her being wrong has a negative impact on other people lives, and because she is a celebrirty the number of people that this has the potential to negativly impact is large. Though how large in reality the group of people that would actual take serious life advice from someone

The Wire

What if you were drinking coffee and you started to choke and some guy was like "Give me a dollar" and you ask why and he says "It's the cough-fee"
I bet you'd love that wouldn't you. People like you make me sick.

I read that as Homoerotic Homer and could only imagine what kind of filthy sex act had been nicknamed "illicit saxamophone".

This wins the thread, hands down.

I didn't read the article, but I'm correct in assuming it's because of old cold belly badness?

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.
May sound crazy but I know a guy whose working on some secret goverment projects you wouldn't believe.
Like for example bringing to life and weaponizing tomatoes.
Mainly just that one.

Yeah! I'm sick too! I say we dont just put her in chains, but we then place her in a burlap sack and then we put the burlap sack in the bed of a pick up truck and drive the truck all across the country. That way everyone in the public at large can tell her exactly how we feel. Assuming she can hear through the burlap