Hipster Kitten

Dear God, was this really five years ago? Five years ago I loved Make Believe and went to my first concert, which was Fat Out Boy.

Megamind is better than 127 Hours!
The AV Club says so! Say goodbye to your Oscars, Boyle!

Unrated horror sucks
These things are mere frames away from being R, but the director wants notoriety so they'll release it unrated rather than "compromise artistic integrity," which is a whole crock of bullshit.

Good God how I've missed this article
I've missed this feature so much in the 2 or 3 years it's been gone. Thanks for bringing it back!

Yet another reader from the Boston show on Sunday night. Unfortunately, I have a job, so I wasn't able to get online before I was stuck with shitty seats when they went on sale, but even then it was still quite fantastic. My friends all barely knew the band, and they were blown away by the new stuff. I had been

I was going to smoke the marijuana like a cigarette

Are we having fun yet?
Being fully aware this will never happen, I sadly am not.

It took three weeks from day-of-release to now for you guys to put up a review?

…The LCD/AF tour was exclusively West Coast.

Month of May's drumbeat
sounds a lot like TV On The Radio's "Halfway Home"

When the fuck did AV Club turn into Videogum (or the other way around; I totally remember this gag starting there, though)?

How to fix the "what" to "who"
"What caused the blackout?" would become "Who caused the blackout?" in a perfect world.

Month of May sounds like nothing they've done before. My excitement level just jumped up a bit more.

My favorite episode is easily Werewolf. Between the Tusk credits song and the sheer insanity of the film itself, I absolutely love it.

Dude, the concert's not for Driveshaft, it's Jack's son's piano concert. As stated at the beginning of the episode, i.e. "You're coming to my concert tonight, right?"

89.5-92.5 = A- normally, but it depends on scales. I had a class this semester where an 85 was an A-

Plushies fuck stuffed animals, furries gather in massive fuck piles while dressed like Scooby Doo

And Joseph Philip Sousa.

"I have something to tell you"
"I'm what people call a plushie. I dress up in mascot costumes and have orgies with other plushies. Our term for sex is 'yiffing'."

I'm done with Chuck
After Survivor, his books became out-there for the sake of being out-there. After managing to get through Pygmy and Rant, I realized he's just going to keep writing gimmick books, and I'm done.