Hipster Kitten

I didn't enjoy this at all.
However, I gave it rave reviews to my friends anyway, because COME ON, Dane Cook gets decapitated by a shovel! How is that not Best Movie of All Time quality right there??

Family Guy felt schizophrenic
It's like the episode was split into two halves. The first was typical gross-out comedy (between the ass-to-mouth and vomit licking, I wasn't happy) and the second was serious contemplation of life itself.

I think my favorite part…
was that the handicapped kids were really fleshed-out and reasonably intelligent, and weren't afraid to be dicks toward one another, so the "offensive" portrayal of the kids was subverted wholly.

That Hold Steady quip had me dying, mainly because THS is my favorite band and that seems VERY similar to something they might do.

This is both good and bad news
I love the Looney Tunes, and so does my dad, so I'm sure we'll be watching these whenever I'm home from college.

@Certainly There's this new thing called an "iPod" or "personal music player" you can plug into your car's stereo. Or, these ancient things called Compact Discs you can buy. Or just listen to passing traffic.