random medical news

I am LIVING for that lipstick! I have spent an extremely embarrassing amount of time looking for it online, to no avail. If someone know what it is and where I can get it, I will be the happiest woman alive (until I try it on, look NOTHING like Annalise, throw it across the room, and guzzle some vodka).

I appreciate your comments, @avclub-bea8c5537f3bedc3a8cbe00625394aca:disqus , as well as what Sonia wrote:

Go meat!

Go meat!

Typing this with tears of laughter streaming down my face - welcome back, Teti!

Typing this with tears of laughter streaming down my face - welcome back, Teti!

I agree - it outlined the power structure beautifully.  I thought there was a throwaway line that brought race into this examination of gender and power: when Joan's mom mentions that they could hire a "colored girl" since they're "used to being bossed around".  The place in the hierarchy for women includes beauty

I agree - it outlined the power structure beautifully.  I thought there was a throwaway line that brought race into this examination of gender and power: when Joan's mom mentions that they could hire a "colored girl" since they're "used to being bossed around".  The place in the hierarchy for women includes beauty

Yes, please review weekly!
I didn't watch last year, but watched and enjoyed the first episode. As a Top Chef fan, I'm interested in how amateurs cope, and I'm intrigued by what you said here: "the lessons—about things like how to chop an onion—were consistently interesting and engaging, and Ramsay clearly enjoyed

YES! Tiny hat! YES! "Teen gay"! Thank you for pointing those out!

How about Anne Hathaway's Judy Garland? Impressive! I thought she did an excellent job overall (and this week was a HUGE improvement over last week).

TOTALLY thrown off! I sat watching with a forkful of food hovering in front of my mouth, horrified. They spent all the money to do this recreation of a slave ship, and the pay off is, as Zach put it, " The juxtaposition of suffering Africans to the affluent whiter-than-white family was certainly a searing commentary

"I'm Finally Getting Some Daylight"
Some pretty gleeful lyrics here by NY singer Mike Errico:

Did it look to anyone else like there was a tiny little smile on Oliver's face right at the end? That broke my heart. I actually thought the actor who played him was a terrific naturalistic performer. I'm gonna miss that kid!