
If people don't like her because her personality is fine I get that, but if people don't like her because she's not attractive enough then that's stupid. To be an actress she should just have to be a good performer. That's it.

Jenna gets a ton of confessionals. Pretty much every other confessional is her talking. I get winner vibes from her, but she could be getting all the confessionals just be because she's one of the older and more expressive/articulate contestants.

I noticed Ayla getting no screen time as well and I remember Adaiah getting very little last year, despite the fact that she was top 4 and seemed to be a very nice girl. There are other contestants that get little screen-time too. Despite doing well in the competition, I don't think Jack gets that much airtime. Ryan

That was really terrible. The ageism was so blatant and nobody seemed to mine. These people need constant reminders that one day, they will be old too. Unless they're dead.

Yeah, me too. Also, it's kind of sad how everyone had Tony correctly pegged last season as this crazy, erratic guy who lucked into being in the right positions and basically cobbled enough of a strategy together to win at the end, but then he went on Twitter and bullied a bunch of people/offered revisionist history

Why in the world did they pick someone who has just been removed from WU as anchor? Also, why is Lorne completely in love with her and gives her more screen time than anyone else?

True. Plus she has no range. She always plays ditzy characters and uses the same voice for all of them.

She is pretty, but for some reason looks a lot older than she is. Maybe it's the styling on SNL, but when I first saw her as the Girl at the Party character I thought she was in her late 30s.

I don't understand this at all. Kate is so much more talented than she is. Is it because people think Cecily is pretty? Kate is pretty as well.

Besides her sketch comedy work in Chicago, her dad is (or was, not sure) the Associated Press Bureau Chief at the Illinois Statehouse. I read that the woman in charge of the WHCA is from Chicago and probably knows Cecily's dad. That's why she picked Cecily. Ah, nepotism at its finest.