Lazy Poltergeist

Yeah, I just had a completely different experience. I replayed it somewhat recently (as I said above), over a decade later, and it fell short of the impression I had of it. Glad it is working out better for you, though.

Completely agree, generic fantasy trappings with super annoying characters, many of whom don't have the teenager excuse FF8 does. I see the old-school setting praised as something inherently good, and I've never understood why. I thought that game was very far from brilliant in just about every respect. Music was good

I mean, almost any ending is "deeper" by default than the ending of A Link to the Past, a game with a very basic plot and few pretensions of anything more meaningful. Felt similarly about Ocarina of Time, where the story adds some crap about friendship but otherwise has a basic good vs. evil story. Majora's Mask ends

I do think this is a pretty good movie (a couple of stupid scenes, but whatever), but I know exactly the kind of people you are talking about and they really make me want to dislike it.

hey look! It's that guy!

Excellent point. Those battles were always a contrast between the insanely good boss theme and the visual calamity on screen.

Running around an HD Midgar is everything I've ever wanted

Exactly- and even if you didn't catch on there, the lemon squirter part certainly would made it clear. I thought it was a hilarious send-up of the trope exactly because it was so specific and increasingly ridiculous with everything that delayed them.

How DARE they give new young voice actors a chance! Especially when Tara Strong is only gainfully employed by 954 other animated shows!

Agreed on the combat, but I thought the story and characters were incredibly bland as well, which contributed to me not finishing it.

Yeah, I'm going to excuse them for this reason and this reason alone.

I'll second the Vince Staples and Goldlink projects. Seriously worth checking out.

I just wanted to add that every single one of Cartman's technobabble VR-isms killed me. "The Orion parameters are embellishing."

That really is the ultimate summary of Rabin.

Thanks, Uncle Deadly.

Yeah, suddenly everything he says is pretty hilarious now. What an awesome episode.

I don't really see a lot of those people posting at the Dissolve either. Somehow Disqus drove good posters away and managed to replace all of them with 2 bad posters.

all done with a complimentary thong leotard

I agree with this mostly, but I think FF6 gets a little overrated on how you "choose" who to reunite with. Like, I don't know why having that choice adds anything. Why wouldn't you choose to reunite with as many as possible unless you personally just don't like a character? And why not explore their story as much as