
Speaking of Faith, we're coming up on the Faithrific Angel stretch that is my favorite part of the whole series.

Or Bobby Singer. Depends on which Beaver one wants.

I believe that movie's been in development hell since Joel Schumacher passed on it to make "The Number 23."

And on the way lose 50 pounds and adopt a grating Bawstan accent.

(I don't know the exact quote, but this is close enough, damn it).
"Wearing a crucifix to symbolize your love for Jesus is like wearing a bullseye to symbolize your love for JFK." —-Bill Hicks.

This is one of those episodes that perfectly blends together all those awesome elements to make a fine, throughly enjoyable episode that propels the plot along with character rather than strictly story. Love it.

Walter White doesn't fuck around when it comes to mouth raping Jerry Seinfeld.

Young women, especially tweens and teenagers, have a tendency to latch onto things because they are easily identifiable. Boys do the same thing too, but what boys tend to latch onto (sports, cars, said girls) are generally considered part of a ropes course into manhood, while what these girls like vacillates so much

Ah the Echolls family. Possibly my favorite part of the entire series is Logan's relationship with Aaron. One of the overarching themes is the way parents treat their kids: Aaron's kind of (SPOILER) a sociopath, Jake is just not there, and Keith is fucking saint.

All I can say is…WHERE'S WALLACE?!?!