Bourbon Renewal

Found myself getting a little Humbert Humbert-y over Sabrina. Well, time to self-flagellate, and say a ton of Hail Marys.

"Should we keep that plane, Jimmy"

Those are pretty sweet. Ministry should take some pointers from them.

I'll take the Pepsi challenge against my Ibanez Ghostriders any time, dude. In the meantime, I'll be buying weed and hookers while you save up three grand for that Les Paul Custom.
(and you'd do well to look up "Ibanez Lawsuit". Essentially, Gibson sued Ibanez for making far superior knockoffs of Gibson designs. The

Wow, trashing The Walking Dead while lauding Breaking Bad? Sure didn't see that coming. I wonder how these writers manage to type while one hand continues to wank over Breaking Bad?

You live in Japan? Can you get me issue #31 of the manga "Tentacle Rape-Man"? Seriously, I'll pay you.

Well duh, what's the fun of prescriptions if you're not mixing them up? You haven't ever really lived until you've crushed up some oxycontin, mixed it up with vodka, and taken it in enema form.

Heh. My official stage name was "Al Kayda" in the months following 9/11. Helpful hint kids: make sure you're not performing in a military town if you do this. My bandmates voted against us dressing up in turbans & burkas, and doing an encore cover of Body Count's "Cop Killer". Pussies.

Not much of a shocker here; I've always considered Plant to be the Einstein of music. He's been twenty years ahead of all the time, and he's waiting for us to catch up. I was glad to read that Page got little to no coverage. Easily the worst guitarist in history, and the sole reason I revile Gibson Les Pauls. The

Holy shit, I just saw Remo Williams on TV. What a profoundly unlikable character. But wasn't that a young Captain Janeway playing the uptight Army chick?
…and "Escape from New York" needs a proper sequel. When even Kurt Russell and Pam Grier couldn't salvage Escape from LA, you know Carpenter was past his prime.

Dredd 2: Dredd by Rights

They most certainly could try harder; hating Nickelback, after all, is like stomping on a puppy. Hate Paul McCartney. Or Metallica. Or Rush. Or Journey. Or Elton John. Or Boston. The list goes on and on…

I can agree with you on some level, only I nearly bashed someone's head in over Duran Duran the other night (which, admittedly, is becoming somewhat of a bad habit for me). I just don't see how someone could NOT like Duran Duran.

Imaginative reply bro. Don't you have a PBR tallboy to drink while you yap about you liking your favorite band "before they got commercial"?

"15 Best Episodes About Maude's Failing Libido"
"15 Greatest Charlie's Angels Cameltoes"
"15 Reasons Why Scott Baio is Our Next Rock Hudson"
Well, the hard part's done. Now I just have to build a time machine…

If Nixon had the charisma of Reagan when he got caught, he'd still be remembered as one of our greatest presidents. (Seriously, watch Reagan's Iran-Contra address; I can't tell if he was legitimately that charming, or if people were just really, really stupid in 1987.)

You, sir, cheapen it by referring to it as "cheese". From a compositional perspective, it's actually a very amazing song. Working with Idol's limited vocal range must've been a complete nightmare for Stevens. As I've previously covered, the songs moods expertly cover such disparate tones from melancholia to

Darabont pulling off "The Mist" was nothing short of amazing. That dude has balls of brass.

I'm a total King sympathizer, but boy, that miniseries of "The Stand" was a real stinker.

If I remember correctly, that was King's first big seller. In the endnotes, he had a hilarious story about stealing traffic cones from the city of Bangor, getting caught, and having to pay a ridiculous fine, which "Carrie" financed. I think this happened right when his daughter needed ear medicine.