Bourbon Renewal

Stay frosty, fellas, we still have The Iron Maidens:

Don't worry, Captain Deada's their best seller!

Seems to me that I seem to have thought I was commenting on what seemed to be Amateur Night. I'll kindly seem to bow out now, and leave what seems to be seemingly insightful commentary to those who seem to be seemingly professionals.

The movie had its flaws, but I have a hard time disliking George C. Scott in anything. Like Jack Palance or JT Walsh, that man was never NOT old & mean.

I remember that one as well. Her tits were fantastic— wet, soapy, slippery. The PG-13 rating was easily the biggest letdown (so to speak) to preteen boys everywhere.

I tried to watch "The Royal Tennenbaums", but lost interest halfway through.  It seemed to be more of that "weird-stacked-on-top-of-more-weird" formula that people seem to think of as original & innovative these days.  "Rushmore" was okay, but only because of Murray.  The fact that somebody took the time and energy to

Neglecting Charlie from "Firestarter"?  For shame.  While not telekinesis in the strictest sense, the idea of an 8 year old girl decimating a covert government agency with her fire-manipulating powers is pretty bad-ass.

Mine were Jennifer Jason Leigh & Phoebe Cates in "Fast Times" (I had a really awkward ride home trying to hide my boner from my mom & my sister; this was before I discovered the "Point it up at your belly button" method).  On a much more related tangent, I think the next ones were from "Up The Creek", where the chick

Eh.  My tongue's been in worse places.

If I may make a suggestion, has anyone managed to track down the near-mythical menthol flavored beer that Coors marketed in the 70's?  I can't imagine Coors ever getting worse than Coors Light, but I have a feeling this would top it.

Blenheim brand ginger ale.  It's like $2 for a 12-ounce bottle, but it's so spicy it actually hurts when you drink it.  If you're suffering from a hangover or a stomach ailment, stick to flat Canada Dry.

For some reason, that red Mountain Dew gave me enuresis.  Luckily, I was staying with my girlfriend at the time, so my mattress remained unscathed.

One of my favorite King stories.  I also liked "The End of The Whole Mess".  The entire human population is reduced to babbling Alzheimer's victims, as reflected by the narrator's growing incoherence.  If I remember correctly, the last paragraph is just a bunch of random letters strung together.  "The Long Walk" is

The bells!  The bells!  The tintinnabulation of the bells!  (He definitely knew a thing or two about insanity; you'd have to be nuts on some level to successfully ramrod a word like "tintinnabulation" into verse).

"You leave Mr. Burns OUT OF THIS!"
(Far and away one of the best Simpsons tangents ever.  Tennessee Williams would be proud, bless his sodomite heart).

Good calls on both counts.  That ending scene where the camera keeps closing in on that photo always gives me the heebie-jeebies,  And TCM2 just rules all around.

They might be too melodramatic for today's audiences, but I'm a big fan of the old movies documenting the horrors of alcoholism, specifically Ray Milland in "The Lost Weekend" and Jack Lemmon in "Days of Wine & Roses".  Milland's terrifying weekend of stealing, pawning, and conniving in order to get that next drink

Jamie Foxx?  What nitwit made that casting decision?  I would've approached Bruce Willis for the role.

Jesus, all this crap makes "The Nightman Cometh" look like…uhh, some musical that doesn't suck (sorry, but I can't seem to think of any musicals that don't suck).

…or people were just pretty stupid.  The one broadcast that comes to mind was of The Shadow playing psych 101 mind-games with a paranoid mad-bomber.  Orson seems like he was a pretty bright guy, so I doubt he made it through that read without punching himself in the balls a few times out of sheer disgust.