Bourbon Renewal

They're union in NY, and they WILL chase you down.  Wanna square off against a waitress with a plastic fork and three hungry kids?  Just pray the cops get to you first.

It was around the time the football players were blasting "Enter Sandman" from their pickup trucks.  Coincidentally, it was the same time Slayer became my new favorite band.

NIN had a good run, as did RATM.  Mainstream radio's efforts to deal with the flagrant use of "The F-word" remain entertaining (heck, it was only a month ago I first heard Jim Morrison sing the word "high" on the radio).  But I agree that the 90's was a shitty decade for music.  Even my formerly Phish-obsessed

Yeah, way above expectations for network TV. The music just sort of hangs back there; you don't notice it unless you try to.  I will try to re-watch the season and pay more attention to the soundtrack.

Come on, Heller.  Tom Araya is Latino.  Granted, I'm not sure Latins are still a minority, but Slayer's '86-'90 run still kicks anyone's ass.

"Louder than Love" was actually a pretty good album.  The best piece of music criticism I've ever read remains: "'Love', in this band's world, is simply another instrument of torture".  But yeah, pretty much everything since has been JackFM pablum.

Aw gee, a hot chick is unhappy with her life?  Try doing that as an ugly, hairy middle-aged man, honey.  That's when shit gets real.

That Showtime clip was rad.  Screw DeNiro & Pacino— DeNiro & Shatner is the shit.

No Lohan?  No thanks.

If you can't get it done with five rounds, you've no business doing it in the first place.  .38 special, thanks.

Revolvers are much more reliable; you can hammer nails with a S&W .38 all day and it won't miss a shot.  A plastic Glock 9mm on the other hand?  Not so much…it'll jam at the drop of a hat (literally, if you drop your hat the wrong way, it'll jam).

Stop butlering yourself!

Normally, I'd rail against such an endeavor, but this film adaptation would be so woefully mediocre that it would actually discourage your average Oprah Book Club member from attempting the source literature.  Carry on, Franco!

"Guide me in, Smithers" and, "Help me sir!  I'm FLAMING!"

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here.  Dude gets a free pass for "Ghost World", and "Bad Santa" made me throw up from laughing too hard.

That chick on the left looks like she's down to party…

It's almost as gay as "Tea Party".

…gluing gold stripes onto his sleeves like some sort of Romulan overlord.

And in fairness to Southerners, the Monitor must've been REALLY hard to hit.  Reportedly, its freeboard was measured in inches, so they were essentially trying to aim at a tin can floating on the water.

Like the Monitor v. Virginia Death-match.  Southerners gotta be dumb if they couldn't beat The Monitor with their gun-laden sea Panzer.