It is better than the review gives it credit for, though doesn't rise to the level of The Big Short.. It is certainly worth watching.
I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe Trump ever used the word plenipotentiary in a sentence.
I heard it was 14 out of 20. Conflicting reports.
Gianforte is Ben Zeitlin, . . right?
Illegal elk that came across the border from Canada.
If this is the new political paradigm, I like The Rock's chances for 2020.
I guess it would be seeing The Hidden Fortress in the early 70s.
. . . then your dad left you to see the movie by yourself because he had an important meeting to get to.
I kind of think they would. And I kind of think they should.
Isnt there a legal issue with discriminating along gender lines for admission to a place of public accommodation like a movie theater? This seems, . . problematic, to say the least.
Both parties, for the most part.
It's premature. The time for impeachment might come, but it isn't here yet. If it happens, McCain is one of the few Republicans who might join in the efforts.
He's still not as extreme as Palin, though he has changed since '08. The world would be a better place if the McCains of the GOP had taken power in the party. Instead, we got further right, and further right, . . lunacy.
And let's not forget that McCain wanted Joe Lieberman. McCain was pushed into a terrible situation in '08. Obama broke his campaign promise and opted out of public financing, proceeding to raise and spend more money running for president than any candidate before him. McCain, hated by the conservatives in his own…
Have you seen what happens in a slaughterhouse?
Shit, Uber, shit . . . fest.
Dental plan, dental plan, dental plan, dental plan . . . .
You won the internet today, as far as I'm concerned.
Cocktail 2: Kokomo Drift