That pun was absolutely devein!
That pun was absolutely devein!
Until they start paying better, anyway.
Notice they waited until after Roger Ailes died so he couldn't win and bankrupt them. Liberal media!
Director's cut.
I've heard the beach volleyball scene is going to be both shirtless and pantless, . . if that's any indication.
Cruise missiles are still a thing, though, . . right?
I am also waiting for Risky Business 2: Riskier Business. Which is just Tom Cruise basically re-making Larry Crowne . . . with prostitutes added to the story.
Volleyballs aren't that fat.
I just want to see the scene in which Iceman comes out of retirement, is lifted by a crane to the cockpit of his jet, and then is pushed into his seat by a half-dozen seamen jumping up and down on him.
They should have called it Garbage Island.
He was pretty good in Bojack Horseman.
It'll morph into a reality show: America's Next Great Cinna-baker.
Sounds extraordinarily shitty.
No. A yo-yo.
I really want to know who will be playing Abbott and who will be playing Costello.
Yes. Paired with the Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter reboot.
I was thinking Dork Universal, but . . . sure, either way.
Notre Dame historically asks the newly elected president to speak. Obama spoke in 2009, for example. The University decided not to invite Trump this year, so they invited the VP instead.
I'd say this movie, along with Inside Job, is completely essential viewing.
That's a good book.