
It's even worse than that. The banks paid fines without even having to plead guilty. And in these cased, no individual was prosecuted — except for the whistleblower in the HSBC case (he got five years in prison). Meanwhile, HSBC paid the fine and received "deferred prosecution."

I got my diploma handed to me at graduation, but that was quite a few years ago.

Those who walked out missed Pence demonstrating how fisting is done in the White House (as seen in the header photo).

They do refer to a lot of campus officials as "Father," though.

It's almost like sketch comedy at this point. It's funny. Funny situations are set up. Funny jokes are made. But the overall narrative is very kind of . . . eh. So I'm just enjoying it for what it is at this point.

Yeah . . . the reviewer probably watched it live with all the lights on. Coward.

I just wish it had been one of those static electricity balls that made Trump's hair stand up on end.

No one has ever made that reference. Thankfully.

She's not goth at all — and that's coming from me, a goth.

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to shoot people who fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

Well, . . not Ailes.

Interestingly, most wolverines don't know that Hugh Jackman is real.

And many innocent people are killed. And Pence becomes President. And Trump becomes revered by many who otherwise wouldn't because he died in office as President. You might want to wish for something else.

Why does anyone care what he likes to eat? Never really understood this angle on criticizing Trump.

Why does anyone care what he likes to eat? Never really understood this angle on criticizing Trump.

I doubt Trump will be president in 2020. I'm not sure he won't resign before 2018 midterms. Pence. Will he win? Doubt it. But I imagine the Democrats will run some useless dolt against him.

No. Seems like the party isn't making real changes. Look for another Wall Street-friendly centrist in 2020.

Pay cut in the short run maybe. But Obama is getting nearly a half-million for one speaking engagement and signed a book deal worth $60 million. The presidency is a pathway to mega-bucks these days . . . so long as you don't piss off the plutocracy to much while in office.

Jive-asss? Forget the extra "s." Does anyone use the term "jive-ass" anymore?

So you won't vote for Boris Zhukov.