
So the diet is working.

I'll call him Tom Choade from now on.

Do we know she can read and write?

I'm glad someone like Baldwin is there to defend the rich and powerful.

It - handing a Pepsi to a fake cop - wouldn't be a controversy in another context. And even in this context it won't be career suicide for Jenner, . . who has a "career" only because she was born to a famous family, btw.

It's "a"— I think that is pretty clear. And I'd say "the demon" rather than "Satan."

Lost a bet maybe?

AV Club should be fired immediately.

Controversy is good for ratings. Decency be damned, . . it seems.

People getting hit in the groin IS hilarious. Gay panic jokes and Adam Sandler are not, though.

I can't make any sense of you saying this movie "just stops." The ending closed the story perfectly. It was great. Pretty Thing was much more "intense abstraction."

Liked this one quite a bit. After twenty minutes, I was primed for just mood and atmosphere throughout - which is in my wheelhouse - so I was surprised at developments of the back half. I thought it all worked wonderfully. An unexpected gem of a horror movie for me.

This is better than Pretty Thing.

It isn't just moody and atmospheric. Be prepared for a gear shift to some horrifying violence.

RIP Manhattan. Ditto. I loved the first season, but didn't realize how great it was until a second viewing. It was really sophisticated storytelling, which flew over the head of most reviewers. I rarely saw any commentary about the show functioning as a metaphor for modern America, which was a huge part of what

It is fascinating and infuriating. It's really well written too. I couldn't put it down. Bacevich is one of the most valuable and reliable social critics for me. Especially regarding the "war on terror."

Highly recommended: America's War for the Greater Middle East by Andrew Bacevich. Just finished it. Indispensable reading.

The fog of war. Etc.

I sincerely doubt this, but if it gets Trump out of office I'll hope for such proof. Can Pence go too?

He is now and has always been a sack of shit.