
At least people are paying attention, care, and are voicing disapproval. Bombing in furtherance of the "war on terror" is nothing new. We just mostly ignored it before Trump. We killed 140 people, 100 of whom were children, in a single bombing at Granai in 2009, for example, and America collectively didn't give a

I had to sit next to the bass player from the band Scorpions on a flight once. I think I'd rather get stung by the real thing.

I need some Zap Rowsdower. Please tell me that'll get worked in at some point. Oh, . . and some Torgo. Maybe another pizza delivery.

Easy call for me: Natural Born Killers.

Thank you.

Nichols took on a subject that a lesser director would have played for Oscar bait. Instead he made a great movie that turned off idiots who expected traditional Oscar bait.

No. Just no.

Also in a different county.

This was a beautiful movie. Midnight Special was also underrated.

This is the dumbest review I've seen on this site, and that's saying a lot considering the shitshow AV Club has become. This was a staggeringly beautiful movie that was executed in exactly the right way for its story. Nichols always delivers, and this is possibly his best. Reading reviews here has no more value

I've recently developed a minor fascination with Gorillaz beyond the music, . . maybe adjacent to my minor fascination with creepypasta. Kind of excited at the notion of a series. Was already looking forward to Humanz. Whatever else Gorillaz is, it's first rate in putting out music.

The legends are going to stomp as many butterflies as they can.

People who know him call him "Dick."

The Killing Moon, asshole. The Killing Moon.

The Fuller effect.

I'm a little more lukewarm about Pushing Daisies. I enjoyed it, but never had an temptation to go watch it again. Wonderfalls, on the other hand, is easily in the top few of my all-time favorites.

Kind of agree. I get what Fuller was doing with the increasingly fever dream atmosphere taking over. But, man, I went back and watched the more guarded season 1 recently and it was fucking phenomenal. I'm perfectly fine letting Hannibal end the way it did without more. Though I do put Mads as Hannibal right up

Your name isn't Binky by any chance . . . is it?

Well, she also deals with her lady problems during the series. Hence, the Lifetime connection.

Accept it or reject it, she has a point. The political left has been energized (or whatever term you want to use) by Trump. We'll see what that leads to. But I personally believe the left would have just continued to sleep walk if Clinton had won. And that would have been its own kind of disaster. Example: I saw