
Yeah. Because the best way to judge a soup is to look at it. These comments are hilarious.

Kicked out of the competition twice? Huh?

Cooking shows are also unique in that the most basic part of the competition is inaccessible to the audience. You can see see the designs on a design show. You can hear the voices on a singing show. You can't taste the food on a cooking show. I always laugh when people comment about which chef served a better dish.

I always suspected Omar was a Jedi.

I think that was meant as a compliment that the accent sounded real.

I heard he is actually going to nail someone to a cross on the south lawn of the WH on Good Friday this year.

Yeah, . . I don't see Oprah settling for less than Queen or Supreme Ruler.

Do we know it isn't a bot?

Even if that's true, and I really don't think it is, he's still a terrific actor.

Wright was great in the under-appreciated Syriana. In an extremely difficult role.

I think this is misreported. It's common knowledge that most turkeys are Lutheran.

Welcome to the AV Club 2017.

And Jason Segel is a person . . . sort of.

Tin roof . . . rusted. — God.

She isn't going to find out tomorrow she is deported. That's true. But people are resisting Trump's immigration plans. And that's good. The Obama Admin conducted a brutal immigration crackdown without anywhere near the resistance. Was anyone boycotting Obama-supporting actors because they supported him as Secure

Trump is a sack of shit, but I expected him to be a sack of shit. No politician has ever let me down as much as Barack Obama.

Well, there is plenty of room to the left of center/right.

How huge is the book?

Agree. And let's not forget that Iran was a blossoming socialist democracy in the 1950s until the CIA overthrew it to protect Western oil interests. Decades of brutal dictatorship by a puppet strongman led directly to theocratic revolution. So maybe the US doesn't look that great when Iran is taken into

The reviews have been a joke. And it is kind of par for the course for the site these days. AV Club has largely become a joke. Too bad. At least there are still good commenters.