
He really was the worst thing about that show.

I'm hoping for a jive-talkin' robot.

I saw a UFO once, . . then it was identified. So I saw an FO.

Just wait until Cusack gets cast in CSI: Grosse Pointe.

This sounds exactly like what I expect from a CBS show.

If you rearrange the letters in Tom Delonge, you get Get Moon Led. Coincidence? I think not.

Coming soon to Fox/FX: Dumpster Fire: Anthology from Ryan Murphy.

I was responding specifically to the all that would segue nicely into love. I don't think it would. I think romantic love would seem forced from the comfortable friendship they've cultivated (and I'm afraid they're going to go that way).

I kind of see the opposite with Jane and Raf. I see that friendship as being terrific on its own, and I don't really like the notion of it turning to romantic love. I think they work as parents and friends. I'd really like to see the show not force romance for them.

I think the "+" was probably generous.

That is right.

Well, she hasn't worked all that much since FNL, and she's been used sparingly on JTV.

Conway is a worthless piece of shit. That said, this is stupid.

I would watch that.

They need to reboot Flashdance as a tv series.

That show became really good in season two. And Ryan Cartwright was so great as Gary. I'm still mad it was cancelled too.

It's not great, but that seems . . . extreme.

Should have done a third season of Alphas. And not just because Mahershala Ali would have been in it.

Channel Zero had a great first season.

It wasn't very good. Which is too bad because it had promise.