
Even beyond "not perfect" . . . call him out as a piece of shit. Humiliate him for his behavior. Shine a light on his transgressions. But award whichever performance deserves to be awarded. That's my take, anyway.

Well, the dq I know of this year was for breaking the Oscar rules, a consequence of which is dq. I'm fine with people not clapping for Affleck. I'm fine with people calling him out for his behavior. And for casting a light on it. But I think the acting should speak for itself with regard to an acting award. The

I think there is a reason. That said, I support Larson in this. She did the right thing. If you feel that way about him, don't clap for him. Don't praise him. Don't share in his moment.

Well, I don't use the word "hero" very often . . . but Brie Larson is the greatest hero in American history!

Disqualified from an acting award?

Pretty cool to see Ride on the slate.

Plenty of blame to spread around for the tanking of the economy.

Are you talking about James Rosen/Stephen Kim? Because that was a much different situation. It was incredibly fucked up, and people should have been upset about it. But it was different. Maybe you have something else in mind.

Plenty of contenders for that title. But it would surprising if Trump doesn't take the crown.

Bush understands that feeding a friendly media what you want them to report is the way to go.

Someone told me Japandroids were doing Pitchfork. Is that happening?


C'mon. It was funny.

Dear god, . . we're gonna have four years of this. Aren't we?

I just finished 8. Gonna finish it tonight maybe. Hope it gets a second season.

If Lance dies next, we'll know something is up.

I'm six episodes in, and I think it is fantastic. It is beautifully structured and shot. And I like its rhythms. It's pretty unique. I accept the violence, casual as it is, because that is the world of intelligence missions. They aren't sanitizing it.

Hurricane! He'll put a stopper in the bottle. Also a very moving final scene in that one.

I was going through some old DVDs recently and came across One False Move, which I think was probably his best performance. Just watched again about a week ago. He was a good actor. RIP.

Jim Rash.