

I think the score for Midnight Special was spectacular.

Why not just enjoy, discuss, and acknowledge there is no reasonable basis for determining a "best" in artistic endeavors? Oh, I forgot. We have to treat everything as though it is a competition.

Hope so. I'm really liking Legion.

Just watched the pilot. Pretty good. Kind of funny that the central plot is about the US covertly trying to influence the election in another country.

This is starting to seem like a Wayward Pines situation.

Bill Bixby will get to the bottom of this mystery.

How would Roday fit it into his schedule, though?

Secretary of Sucking.

Heigl's only shot at a success on TV will be a game show in which the weekly winner gets to hit her in the face. Maybe with a frying pan.

Those will likely be cancelled too.

CBS just yanked Doubt after two episodes aired. It happens.

Mildly. Maybe. A little.

I think the only real question is whether it gets pulled before it finishes the initial ten episode run.

Wouldn't that cause the arrest of most of his staff?

Every other story will be about Trump or Wolverine until further notice.

That's a head scratcher for me. It seems like spending a chunk of the season with Emily getting to know everyone and adapting to the environment would have been a better choice.

Superstore is about as dependable a comedy as I can recall recently. I don't know that it ever soars to great heights. But it is always good and funny.

I like both equally on both fronts. I remember not liking Brooke early in her season, but my wife and I warmed up to her over time. Shirley has always been likable. Both are obviously insanely talented.

I was thrilled when it came down to Shirley, Brooke, and Sheldon because those three have been my favorites all along. Any of them winning would be good by me. I was pulling for Sheldon, to be honest. But it is easier to take with Shirley and Brooke left standing. If Sheldon had gone with John still in the