It is only one of two new FX dramas since Bastard Executioner, I believe. Disagree with your assessment that it isn't good regardless.
It is only one of two new FX dramas since Bastard Executioner, I believe. Disagree with your assessment that it isn't good regardless.
I just turned 50, and I think Fight Club is terrific (in book and movie form). I don't have much use for the rest of Palahniuk's works, though.
Sadly all the idiots who reacted to it that way have misshaped it's legacy.
That's correct. And it is endlessly frustrating. Most conversation about the movie and book is dominated by people who love it or hate it because they think it is something it isn't. Also, with regard to the movie, Fincher and Uhls just nail it.
In his head, though, you were yelling.
Exactly. I'm perplexed on some of the comments here.
Can't speak for him, but I doubt it. I doubt he's proud of influencing ignorant assholes. You understand that the book repudiates Tyler's snowflake philosophizing . . . right?
Someone needs to do a Fight Club/Office Space mashup right now.
Well, that's a good show.
Purity is the orthodox counterpoint, though. Most liberals who complain about other liberals on grounds of neoliberalism are talking about the large segment of politicians otherwise on the left who have bought into neoliberal economic philosophy, which is actually a huge issue. So when one self-described liberal…
Is he proud of what ignorant assholes have done? Doubt it.
That is one of my favorite passages of any book. And it is the last word in the book on snowflakes. It's where the narrator says "God" and Tyler are both wrong about it..
Disagree. It's on my short list of best books I've ever read. And it is one of the best movies I've ever seen.
To each his own, but I think it is a brilliant short novel. The problem is so many people have taken the wrong messages from it. Both people who love it and people who hate it. In my opinion.
No, it isn't my deepest desire. But the point of the book wasn't to celebrate that or promote that. The book speaks to the seduction of isms and charismatic leaders. Tyler appeals to the pain and despair of a segment of society, he draws people into something that appeals to them viscerally, and they get…
This is certain to be awful. The only question is whether it will be so awful that it entertains. I'll give it a look.
This site has become baffling.
I am Donald's inflamed sense of inferiority.