True Story

Oh. I really wish I'd read this comment before posting in the thread above: I'm pretty sure the reviewer would not have singled out the bathroom attendant sketch if he'd seen it set to Ween's "Voodoo Lady."

Actually, I really think that the reviewer wouldn't have singled out the bathroom attendant sketch as a flop if he'd seen it as God intended, set against Ween's Voodoo Lady.

Barely Legal Guardianship?
Does anyone else suspect that the only way to lose custody of your reasonably photogenic 17 year-old daughter is by shopping around the rights to her full frontal debut?

Looking past the underrepresentation of superhero stuff here, how the hell was Kevin Huizenga left off this list? On top of his more experimental stuff, as seen in "Or Else," he's written some of the decade's best personal, literary comics, to be found in 2006's "Curses."

No. You are not alone.

About that B plot
Did I miss April's real reason for coming back to the office? I know she claimed to have some Lassie-esque sense that RFnS was in trouble, but did she really come back to steal office supplies or something? Was there some clue I missed?

Rodney King Beet-ing
Did anyone else find Dwight particularly racist last night? I frankly found it a little refreshing; at some point during his relationship with Angela his character grew a little too sympathetic for my taste.

Am I the only one that thought Peggy, the good Catholic, was suggesting Church-sanctioned coitus interruptus as an alternative to secular (Ka-Ching! Product placement!) Trojans?

The Chums might actually transmorgraphize into an itinerant group of harmonica players, so yeah, there's ambiguity there. Bilocation is nothing if not ambiguous.

Yeah, I'll concede that the excitement that comes with new Pynchon could lead to some understandable grade inflation.

My own personal gateway
…was Mahlathini et Mahotella Queens. Strictly speaking, my gateway was their terrible collaboration with Art of Noise. After that, though, there was a 2 hour showcase I taped off of WREK Atlanta, and listened to pretty much nonstop for a couple of consecutive summers.

Against the "A"
Am I the only one pretty disappointed by this book, and considers it more "B+ / A-" material?

Whatever, EVL. We've heard the dreadful things you've said about D'Israeli.

yeah, the omission of Broom from the "where to go next" segment has me scratching my head.

I'm in the middle of a third read Broom at the moment. I think it's unjustly relegated to the tier of "lesser Wallace." It's definitely no Infinite Jest, but there was only ever going to be one of those, anyhow. If DFW had just kept writing novels of Broom's scope, he'd still have been regarded as a great novelist.

I've been dubious of this "G2G" feature; this particular piece is probably the best argument for it.

What kind of cruelty is involved when you run the doggie-bloodlust joke into the ground, exactly?

This may be discussed elsewhere, but how fucking creepy was it that Jacob touched Kate's nose to begin with? I don't remember ca. 1989 being such a simpler time that when a strange man showed up buying presents for delinquent 12 y/o girls & poking them with his finger, it wouldn't have raised a few eyebrows.

A Nice Touch
Did anyone else notice that Jacob physically touches everyone he encounters in flashback? Tapping Kate's nose, touching Locke's shoulder, clasping Sun & Jin's shoulders, hand-to-hand when he gave Jack his Apollo bar, motorboating Hurley. Maybe he just patted Hurley.