
I'm sorry I tried to turn your mother into a spit. I nearly passed out laughing.

Mad Mad World by Tom Cochrane. Still like the song Life is a Highway.

Was there any doubt that Sasha was going to get bashed? I was half expecting/hoping for her to go through the window.

Oh man, did I love the 70's car chase music that was playing when the cops were chasing Jax. Felt like I was watching Bullitt.

Next episode Saul escapes, grabs a sword, and starts repeating 'My name is Inigo Montoya…..'

This whole season, up to now, seems to be build up. It's unfortunate that a show that has, at times, been excellent would waste it's final season on nothing but waiting.

Holy ghost on a bicycle, we need more Bullock on the show. Donal Logue is too good an actor to play second fiddle to Gordon.

A hero or heroes are only as good as the "bad guy" they're chasing. We need more Henry or Mollock to make Crane and Abbie more effective. The side story with Irving's soul being stolen seems to be going nowhere fast.

I always lock the doors. I always lock the doors.

I really hope this doesn't turn into a soap opera with the "I love you, but" storylines clouding up what should be a slick CIA spy thriller.

Sincerely hope that this show doesn't become formulaic and predictable, a-la the A-Team. Some interesting characters here, but character development needs to become a priority over the bad guy du-jour.