Ruben Remus

On topic: this is another excellent New Pornographers album.

All of Interpol's "Turn on the Bright Lights." Front to back.

Loved him in "Eater." The man could play a jovial asshole with aplomb!

They just completely took the piss out of the Batman mythos and it was brilliant. Also recasting Green Lantern as the world's most useless, irritating superhero.

Dead Island is actually a peninsula!

But can he save us all from our insatiable lust to consume fossil fuels…?

I'm not well-versed enough in Neil's catalogue to know (sorry): is Jimmy using actual chord progressions and melodies from Neil songs when he does these, or are they folky tunes "in the style of" Neil Young?


The recent passings of so many cast members serve as a reminder of how absolutely note-perfect the "Batman: Animated Series" voiceovers were. When I think of those characters now, they're almost always soundtracked by the voices lent to them by the likes of Hastings, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. (RIP), Michael Ansara (RIP),

Adrock actually addresses his artistic guilt over this development in "Alive," circa 1999:

Joining Alec Guinness as one of the very few celebrities that work with that game from "The Simpsons."

Is Super Bowl "LI" really going to be any manlier? That makes me think of female tennis superstar Li Na, not uniformed men forcibly acquiring territory from other uniformed men!

A shame indeed.

I'd have to argue that the DMX one has the best editing.

They actually lampshade that trope at one point, as Rogen and Byrne argue about who gets to be "the Kevin James" of the relationship. Rogen insists it's him, and that Byrne should be the responsible one. At least the filmmakers are self-aware on some level.

Thomas Middleditch or GTFO!

Uh, and every animal noise/squawk/growl/coo found on God's green earth!

Hodor jokes AND gay jokes are rather easy to make, but speaking as a guy with a bear for a boyfriend, I agree that this is gosh-darned delightful.

"The Ben Folds Five!"
"Three, sir."