Ruben Remus

"He tends to impress me more on features than on his own songs."

Todd, impossibly, gained an extra layer of skin-crawling menace when he donned that ski mask. Just those vacant, dopey eyes staring out at you… no acting required from Anna Gunn there.

Was hoping Walt would flush Jesse out by offering an afternoon of Go-Karting… the reality was much, much more unsettling.

Uh, did Walt just throw down Mike's "universal symbol for keys" as he prepared to drive off with his van full of money?

"No no no, it's spelled, 'Flaamingos,' but it's pronounced 'Throat Warbler Mangrove.'"

I once heard tell of a guy who, after a rough breakup, sent a farewell mix CD to his ex. It was nothing but this song, repeated on all 10 tracks.

I only haave eyes for you?

I went on a crazy Sly kick after their albums were reissued on CD about six or seven years ago. Sly is obviously a pop/funk/inter-dimensional visionary, but his music would not have nearly the same visceral impact without the band he assembled to bring it to life.

Man, I would be binge-guzzling episodes of MythBusters on Netflix if it weren't for that damned announcer waltzing in every 5 minutes with his super-cheery narration. It feels especially out of place when he's summarizing Breaking Bad for the viewers at home.

As good a time as any to share this great four-part interview with five members of Sly & The Family Stone (everyone except for Sly and Larry Graham), where they reminisce about career highlights and just goof around with each other.

@avclub-e6c1142acfaceea3982a09641b33fc04:disqus  - He is GREAT in Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. He has this crazy monologue where he basically spouts off against millenials for 15 minutes, leaping all over the stage in the process.

Bonus points to "Black Steel" for inspiring the intro to The Pharcyde's "Officer": "I got a letter from the DMV, the other day…"

Did anyone else read the first half of this headline and think that Jay Z had just opened a Vietnamese restaurant…?

Guy Picciotto… vocals… sultry? Ermmmmm…
(Imagines white linen bed laden with rose petals. Guy Picciotto approaches, ruffle shirt fluttering in the wind-machine wind, crooning the opening lines to "Margin Walker": "You make yourself, so beauuuutiful…")

"'Reasonable Doubt' - classic, shoulda went triple."

As good as some of the other bits were, the vigilante marionette cop sketch is my favorite thing to come out of the Ben Stiller Show: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

So what Scott is saying here is that Tolkin did it better than Peter Jackson. Sounds about right…

Also: That English teacher is *way* hunkier than Sydney Lassick.

Yep. That's still the title of this movie. Fair enough… (dons red Away Team uniform, beams down to unfamiliar planet)