
"I'm happy for the Arcade Fire but now I'm worried Superchunk will get dropped from Merge."

No worries! In addition to being shy and cynical, I think everyone on the internet is out to get me…

She just played Neko Case in the most recent New Pornographers video. Nice tries, though.

Neko Case!
"as long as you don't get cynical or allow your shyness to become crippling."

Freedom Is Freeform
Brian Turner & Terre T!

Ahh yes- "Important In Your Life." A mix tape staple.
"Guitar! Ready, set, go!"

The only thing that comes to mind is "Monologue About Bermuda", where he does a verse of "Bang Bang" in the middle of it:
Lulu had a boyfriend / Name was Tommy Tucker
Took her back to his house / to see if he could…bang bang

I have a picture of me and Jojo, an autographed CD, and a Modern Lovers tattoo on my wrist, and I envy your "I, Jonathan" poster.

Agreed on "I, Jonathan."
I think "Parties In The USA" is the reason I like Miley Cyrus' "Party In The USA."

@ Wallet: I have a ball here- perhaps you'd like to bounce it…
@ SConn: Also the reason Charlie Watts is my favorite Stone.

FACT: Ted Leo has already covered a Chumbawamba song.

Here to perform "The Rappin' Duke", please welcome Titus Andronicus…

Genuine Class
I don't want to sound like I'm knocking his age, because that's certainly not the case- but *that's* how you grow older with dignity. Look at my man- nice checked shirt with matching windowpane jacket- no tie, casual yet classy. He should host a reality show where he teaches aging rock stars how to look

Ditto! (On Osborne being my hero)
TCM is literally the only thing I miss about not having cable anymore.

Have you been to the boardwalk lately, Stool? I have two words for you:

This review makes me sad. "Turn" was one of the most important albums of the 2000s for me, and I hate the idea of them putting something out that's not up to snuff. Still gotta give it a shot though…

Let's bee friends
So glad The Brutalist Bee has become a recurring character. He should bee in every video!

Agreed. That was a KILLER show.

Agreed. He was one of those guys that made the proceedings cooler just by showing up.

Nice job, guys!
Looking forward to more of these.