
Not so fast!
Low's version of "The Little Drummer Boy" is *amazing*, especially when you play it ear-splittingly loud.

Zoot Horn Rollo
There can be only ONE greatest YouTube clip.

Don Geiss
Say it ain't so…

Well she runs Merge Records, so she's not sweatin' it either.

Man, I remember being worried that their first album was a fluke. Then I saw them at the record release (Vintage Vinyl, NJ) the night before they took off for the tour and I couldn't WAIT to tuck into the album. The end of the tour show at Maxwell's was even better.

Is this where the Teddy/Titus fanboys are?
(Are you also writing from North Jersey?)
TL/Rx, I feel, is a lot like Yo La Tengo in that you just take for granted that every album they put out will be above average-to-great.
That said I really didn't hear too much new music this year. I *loved* The Monitor. Dum Dum Girls

You will notice that I said "He was a lot of thing I never imagined…"

Anybody know who plays Tracy's son? He's hilarious, but IMDB doesn't want to tell me who he is…

I guess I'm for it. If the world has room for The Long Goodbye and Lebowski, then surely another left coast shaggy dog stoner detective movie couldn't hurt. I didn't *love* the book, but I place a lot of trust in PTA.

I hope this doesn't attract attention away from "Nothin' To Prove", my upcoming Fu-Schnickens documentary…



I always thought he was a normal, decent guy until I read "Redemption Song." He was a lot of things I never imagined, including chronically depressed, a scenester, a poseur, uncomfortable in his own skin, a womanizer, at times an addict, at times kind of a dick…
And I don't mean to sound like I'm tearing him down- he

I just saw him at the WFMU Record Fair, wearing a baby bjorn and talking to a fan- happy as a clam.

A couple years ago I was at Great Jones Cafe (the best restaurant in NYC, btw) where Mark Ibold bartends. Who is there sitting at the bar, enjoying a drink and chatting with him but James Iha. So unbelievably surreal. As a teenager I imagined these guys rumbling in the streets like a Michael Jackson video. They're

"born there but had to go somewhere else to make a name for themselves"

(The first one, not the second…the second is why the terrorists love us)

Oh sweet Jesus.
This is why the terrorists hate us.

I've got nothing against Albini's music or production work (which I'm a fan of), just his attitude. He plays the role of the prickly pear, and that's fine- but his incessant tearing apart of other people that he doesn't deem pure enough simply isn't fair.

*shoots the 8-ball in the corner pocket, misses by a longshot, still does the handclap anyway*