
Commander Cody sez:
Why come Netflix don't have the new MST titles? This is an EPIC FAIL.

Vegas, Baby
Their set at the Matador party in Vegas was a real eye-opener for me. My friends and I were fully expecting them to lull us gently to sleep, but they were positively joyful. In fact the only time it ever slowed down was when they dipped into the old material. Beyond that it was fun, energetic and exciting.

I felt the same way until I heard "Mountain of Love" off of "Beach Boys Party" (a live album that you might enjoy?) on the radio. It was an unexpected gateway, and after 32 years I finally consider myself a fan.

Sometimes in the morning the sunlight hits my coffee and makes a little dancing reflection on the wall that my cat stares at. It's difficult to explain why for me, that's better than 10 Super Bowls. But I feel you, Lovecraft- some people just aren't pet people. If it makes you feel any better, I don't think you're

Da Breed
There's also "The Breed"- the low-rent canine horror movie starring Michelle Rodriguez and a bunch of other people. It runs into the "cute/terrifying" issue when a pack of wild dogs are swimming after a bunch of people. They wanted it to read as intense and suspenseful, but there's nothing to distract from

Oh, yeah- and as bad as Billy Corgan is, fuck Albini too. That guy's the worst.

I loved Smashing Pumpkins until seeing them live in…94 I guess it was. "Insufferable douche" doesn't even BEGIN to cover it. By the time Pavement released "Range Life", I had completely disengaged.

I'd be remiss if I didn't jump aboard the love train here- excellent job, Steve. Really top shelf stuff.

I actually liked that The Bad Seed was stagey- I kept thinking "This would make a great play…", having no idea that it was. But I like stagey in general. Probably could've been a bit shorter though, yeah.

(Having said that, we can't explain to you why it is or isn't any good, but only what we found in it that was worthwhile.)

Speaking personally, a lot of the appeal was in the visuals. You don't see a lot of movies that look like that.

This season's winners
I still have 2.5 more days, but as of Halloweekend 2010, this year's winners were:

Totally! That was the best part of the movie (excluding of course, little Rory Calhoun). It kinda went off the rails after the halfway point though.

I thought Trick R Treat was a lot of fun- not the best movie ever, but it's already become a tradition. For the life of me I can't figure out why it wasn't released in theaters- probably cost less than 10 mil and would've easily brought back 50 or 60. Studio politics I suppose.

I lean more towards Bava over Argento, if only for his spooky, gothic bent. Perfect for this most wonderful time of the year.

Halloween sucks?
I guess nobody bothered to tell that to THE MISFITS.

On the plus side, years later you would be able to impress strangers on the internet with such a kickass choice!

I remember Halloween
Top shelf all around, guys.
Zack- you should use that experience as a springboard for a collection of short stories.
Stuff like this is why this is my favorite site on the web.

Favorite Misfits song
You know what my favorite Misfits song is?
EVERY Misfits song.