
Blockbuster II
I wish I hadn't read this article while Netflix is failing to load in my other window. Not good at all.

Kill dem wit love
First time I saw her was at a Joe Strummer tribute in 2003. Some dude jumped up on stage and punched some other dude for reading the lyrics of "Spanish Bombs" off a printout while he was performing. Kinda harshed everybody's mellow, and was decidedly un-Joe. Ted Leo brought it back from the brink,

(St. Eleutherius of Nicomedia)

The Vatican should focus on my immediate association of those words with Moe Green getting shot in the face…

Ahhhh, for the love of crumbcake…

"Chelsea Hotel Oral Sex Song" is pretty similar- it's like 7 minutes of story that wraps up with an amazing final couple of lines. I guess he's got a bunch of songs like that.
And if you haven't heard this…well hear it now!

A mini-greatest hits without "Ballad of the Sin Eater" or "The Angel's Share"? Why I NEVER!

As much as I've always loved Mitch, yeah, that was a crap thing to do. And not to mention the fact that he did it TWICE! He was *really* pushing his luck. I can only speak for myself, but I was really enjoying their set (even the wanky bits) and that totally killed the moment. I can't defend it any more than I could

Yeah, I thought JSBX really killed. I'm surprised Jon didn't get his ass beat- they kept signaling for him to stop, and he just kept going! (And smashing equipment…)

Nope, Raucous is right.
Ted's little storytime sesh sitting on the monitor? A highlight among highlights.

Sea Change
In it's entirety.

I'm far enough away now that I can enjoy all that stuff again- but for a while "Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns", "Darling Be Home Soon" and "Here Come The Warm Jets" were pretty touch and go…

Jeez- Fairytale. Fuggedaboutit.

Fisher King
I'd take "P-P-P-Pisces" over "P-P-P-Poker Face" anyday.

Lewis Largent
a) The video for "Package Thief" is my favorite video of all time. Marionette Wurster looks at his broken drumstick, shrugs, keeps playing.

Colosimo bleeding out onto the tile floor a la Pesci…

…and he looks like Linda Hunt in that picture…

It'll be like Darth Vader- he is playing Captain Nemo's body, but he will be voiced by James Mason.

Distant memory?
You know that you can watch the videos more than once, right?

He could dance, too.
And plus his dancers!