
And with that,
Scharpling's inbox just exploded.


Wagon Train is a really cool show and all…but did you ever notice that they never get anywhere? They just keep on wagon training…

And note Bob's inexplicably perfect singing. What the what?!

This song is called
"Cheers To The Five Album Kid"

Signs that Michael Bay is filming in your town
Your garbage cans are empty and your dog is pregnant.

Oh, and I mean that as a Simpsons reference, not as an insult…

He's The Hardest Working Man In Indie Rock, who the hell are you?

I have to get a job so I can go to this…

That last comment was about the trade gap. This one is about the budget gap.

I grew up watching 1776 every year on the 4th of July, and I still keep it going. If you're so inclined, definitely check out the commentary on the DVD with the director and the guy what wrote the book. It's choc-full of fun information.
If memory serves (it may not), the play holds the record for the longest stretch

As is Andrew Lloyd Webber…

I love you guys.

Nirvana / Breeders / Half Japanese at Roseland, November '93.

Say wha?
Hey, what gives with calling Jules Verne a "sort of flimsy" property? It's not his fault that people turn his kickass books into cruddy CGI Fraser Fests…

Wait, that's the Manhattan Bridge. Maybe he moved to Bed-Stuy.

I wish ANY of these bands had the balls to stay in NJ and make it suck less. As soon as I saw the Williamsburg Bridge on the cover of the album, I knew we'd lost another one. Though Stickles and Leo hurt far worse…

Wildwood destroying all the gorgeous retro motels with their big neon signs and 50s Pacific-craze nostalgia: Worse than 10 Holocausts.

Gimme down there HAIR
He IS culturally opposed to everything happening in the '60s and '70s. Unless it's time to refer to "The America I Grew Up In", in which case the 60s and 70s were a magical heyday that our President has lost touch with.

Hey hey
This would be good news, except there's no Hoboken date. Oh wait, yes there is.