
One Foot In The Grave Architecture?

Mellow Gold Soundz?

I love the 90s
Cut your Devil's Haircut?

I have a lot of great memories of going to the movies- but like CD stores and video stores, I'm very ready to never go to one again.

"Cath Carroll"
Great song?

"Aloha" means "goodbye."
And also "hello."
It's in how you inflect.

So bummed
What a tragedy for such a talent to check out so young.

It was "Shake the Sheets" for me. I had slowly been getting into him for a while when that album came out, and 6 years on I still play it whenever I'm at my lowest.
It might not have been the most life-changing album per se, because I was already a young, optimistic indie rockin' liberal…but it has definitely been the

I think TZ fans tend to know the titles because they show them after the intro/1st commercial break. If you start training now you'll get up to speed in no time!

Did you get to the 50th anniversary deal they did last year? I found about it like a week after it happened and was SO bummed.

Sure do. It was that 2-VHS set back in the day. The one in the attic was "The Encounter", starring a young George Takei (aha-ha-haaa). The monastery one is "The Howling Man." They're all included on the DVD set. It's not a bad deal- you can get the whole series on Amazon in one big box.

Oh shit! And "A Game Of Pool"

My top 3:
Will The Real Martian Please Stand Up?
The Obsolete Man
Walking Distance

It depends. "Walking Distance" is one of the best episodes of the series, and I actually quite like "One For The Angels."
"The Bewitchin' Pool", not so much.

There are a whole bunch of episodes on YouTube…

Exactly. And after they put their time in, they'll be in a better state to sit though "The Whole Truth" and "Ring-A-Ding Girl."

"This is a push push business, Stuff N Fluff- A PUSH PUSH BUSINESS!"

Bobby O
Robert Osbourne fucking pwns.

"an endless supply"
…provided you live somewhere where winter doesn't happen.

"Where I come from there is no God."