
I was introduced to his stuff at a comics exhibit at the Newark Museum, and it just blew my mind. He was head and shoulders above everybody else on display.

I can't watched Cracked videos in Firefox. I usually just pull them up in Safari.

I was just about to make my list, but it's the same as Carson's.

For real. There seemed to be this giant leap from "It could've been a song or two shorter" to "The worst album he's ever made." I love that album. "CIA" is probably in my top 5 Rx songs.

Actually, it's really exciting *now*. It's not like it stops…

I think the big, BIG factor in this discussion is that Titus are almost literally kids, barely out of college. Patrick wrote "Titus Andronicus" (the song) when he was 18. What I like so much about them is that you're watching somebody discover things. When I wrote songs in college, they were choc-full of literary

Very, very well said. He's in that boat with Yo La Tengo. It's easy to take their consistency for granted. But God forbid they ever put out something uninspired- I don't know what I'll do with myself.

Ditto on that!
I picked up the new Titus last night (at an in-store performance, no less) and now I have to drive a half hour *back* to the store to get the new Teddy. Then I will spend all day listening to it, take a short break for The Best Show, and then listen to it more.

And Best Son of Bloomfield NJ since…I don't know. Whoever our first Mayor was.

"love-hate arrangement with his home state of New Jersey"
Sounds like my life crammed into a (beautifully designed) gatefold sleeve.

Get ready to meet my little friend!

You thought Zelda was campy and fun?
Salud, man. That scene has scared the crap out of me my whole life…

xtabaysworld is where I got all my exotica and lounge from. My all-time fav has to be Martin Denny's "Hawaii A Go-Go." So, so groovy.

I bet a lot of AV Clubbers are familiar with Les Baxter. After all, he has THE SINGLE GREATEST ALBUM COVER OF ALL TIME:

Don't talk about it, man…
DO IT!!!
DO IT!!!

How's that hopey, changey thing workin' for ya?
Believe in hope…

Coulda been worse
More proof that 1998 wasn't the lowest point in music history:
Dropkick Murphys: Do Or Die
NMH: In the Aeroplane Over The Sea
Billy Bragg & Wilco: Mermaid Avenue
Dillinger Four: Midwestern Songs of the Americas
Elliot Smith: XO
Belle & Sebastian: The Boy With The Arab Strap
Outkast: Aquemini

WFMU always plays that jam in the closing hours of their rund-raising marathon, when it's 1 am and they're making that last ditch effort to meet their goal. I'd be lying if I said it didn't get me a little goosebumpy.

Kidney Now!
I don't get it- do rock bands not exist anymore?