
I didn't choose to live in NJ. The cost of renting in the city made that decison for me.

Right? And Electric Version?! Looks like it was made in Quark by a 5th grader.

I've always felt that Ted Leo and The New Pornogrpahers have had the biggest disparity between quality of music and quality of cover art (with the exceptions of "Shake the Sheets" and "Hearts of Oak.")
Everything I've heard off TL/Rx's new one has been incredible. So naturally…

The typeface on RTCM has always made me cringe.

As a resident of the Great State of New Jersey…
this really burns my canoli.

"We'll see you Monday!"
You're goddamn right you will!

Still no Ted Leo. You guys are killin' me.

Agreed on the Phoenix album.
Though The New Pornographers deserve some kind of award for the absolute awfulness of their album covers.


You could make the same argument about every other album on this list, as well as every album ever made. I think it's unfair to suggest that musicians should create in a vacuum.

I'm definitely of the mind that LWTL was way underrated. CIA, La Costa Brava, Bottle of Buckie, Sons Of Cain, list goes on…
But any one of the 4 should've been on here.

Top 5 Albums of the Decade
Ted Leo & The Pharmacists: Tyranny of Distance
Ted Leo & The Pharmacists: Hearts of Oak
Ted Leo & The Pharmacists: Shake the Sheets
Yo La Tengo: And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out
Ted Leo & The Pharmacists: Living With The Living

And I'm glad I checked the comments before posting the exact same joke. Kudos, Vanderjuice!

They're fuckin' leaders Two Kings.

No love for Jersey?! The Barnes & Noble on rte. 3 not *good* enough?!

the fair Tina…

Great interview!
I just added her movie to my Netflix queue.

"Perchance To Dream", starring Richard "Don Barzini" Conte!

As I just said in my Netflix review: the latter pair's strengths make up for the former pair's weaknesses.

Or a cardboard box with an umbrella on it.