
Hey, Epix!
They just hired me.
Maybe my desk chair will be haunted by Ayn Rand's evil spirit…

I never believed in T.E. Lawrence
…so how the hell could I believe in Beau Geste, huh?!

I'm gonna see the shit out of Nathan.

Oh, for the love of crumbcake…
Did you accidentally schedule your New York appearance on the same night as Ted Leo's annual free summer show, or are you purposely trying to ruin my month?

Second that Titus Andronicus.
They opened with "Thunder Road" when they played Maxwell's, and they rock a harmonica in a big way.

Oh yeah
And Eric Bachmann/Crooked Fingers for sure.

Maybe it's more in spirit than in sound.

I would like to humbly suggest that
be added to that list.

I totally got the Modern Lovers logo on my wrist a couple months ago.
I thought about the "no bands or musicians" rule, but I've been listening to Jonathan for 15 years and I've seen him every time he's come through NY/NJ in that time. I can't imagine not liking him anymore- that's just crazy talk.

And Jorge!
You live in NJ and you're into reggae?
We should go crash a DJ booth sometime.

Oh my God- "The Wagon" is definitely in my top 5 videos ever…

The Firstie Part
Roger that on Superchunk.
I probably would've gone with "Package Thief", though "The First Part" was a close second. I didn't have cable so a friend of mine would fill VHS tapes with worthwhile videos from 120 Minutes and give them to me and my brothers. That's how we did, pre-internet.

@ Keith:
This will ensure that you never, ever, come even remotely close to hitting the bottom of the Jamaican well:

Two Thumbs Up!
Thus making the words "Best Picture Nominee" virtually meaningless.
Pardon my cynicism, but this smacks of Weinstein…

David Cross did a 4-hour long show in NYC around about 2002, and at the end Yo La Tengo played a medley of all the Megaphone songs. One of the coolest things I've ever witnessed.

They stole I Man's Rockers on Blu-Ray
For Horsemouth's teeth in hi-def.

Alex James sucks…
I would've gotten Lee Jaxsam.

You can also get some sort of coupon from the guv'ment. Not sure how much it is, but every little bit helps.

I mentioned his gallery shows in a post above, but I thought I'd mention it again down here- I am a fan of his work, though that article definitely altered my perception of him. I think it's also important to look at his entire body of work- he's prolific on a Bob Pollard level. You absolutely can't ignore the out and

Hey, I kid because I love.
It seems I'm always spreading Mayostard, Mustardayonnaise…and time.