

No, YOU are.

I know you're being snarky, hatin- but you're absolutely right.
Ever hear of Marcel Duchamp? Andy Warhol? Sherrie Levine? Vanilla Ice?

Mad Ups
As a designer, I really appreciate what he's done for the medium. It's incredible to hear people at bars or shows or on the street (or yea, even on the AV Club) discussing his art. Whether people's responses are positive or negative, I think it's a discussion worth having and I'm really glad he opened the door

Dodobird- incredible picture
Saul Rosenbear- incredible name (why would you cheat on Liz with a lamb?)

They're friends of my ex. Every time I so much as see their name it reminds me that I should kill myself. And they keep getting more and more popular…

Now that big sign has chlamydia.

totally owned.

…with BLOOD, I bet!

Martial Arts Mayhem
Something Weird puts out a great bunch of trailer collections called "Martial Arts Mayhem." It's actually how I found out about "Master of the Flying Guillotine." They have spaghetti western and rock 'n' roll ones too- all worth picking up.

For real? Which bar?

They just wrapped up a tour with Titus Andronicus in NYC and their violin player did "Good Riddance" with Patrick from TA. It was a really sweet moment.
They're also a bunch of really nice, friendly people- but don't let that interfere with indiscriminately ripping on them based on what kind of pants they wear…

I hope everybody I know wants this for Christmas, because that's what they're getting.

I like when Jay asked Beck why his grandfather got kicked off The Tonight Show, and then Beck cut off Jay's tie with a pair of scissors.

Honestly after 20+ years of listening to the Clash, I never knew how underrated Mick was until reading "Redemption Song." Lyrically they were like Lennon & McCartney, but musically it was almost all Mick.
And yeah- there's no way they could've done what they did without Topper.

Roger that on Young People's Day Camp.

That depends-
If she was talking about a regular ol' Vivian Girls show, then it may or may not have been transcendent.
If she was talking about the Vivian Girls/Titus Andronicus show at Maxwell's in January? Fucking transcendent.

And also it's Summertime.

There are Crips and Bloods in NYC, but they're nowhere near as prevalent.

Album cover though…