
Apparently Sellers had a big problem with that, as would anybody who isn't totally insane. I saw it for the first time last year and was completely baffled when they cut from a final scene of that magnitude to a blooper real.

Yas Yas Yas
I got "Mother Fuyer" on a great comp of old raunchy blues jams called "Eat To The Beat." My favorite Treniers track is on there too: "Poon-Tang!" If this collection is half as good as that one, it'll be worth picking up.

Obey what now?
Wait, Shepard Fairey is playing? Is there a band called Shepard Fairey? Where am I? Who took my false teeth?

You don't wanna know.

Looks like a Banksy monkey shirt. He's wearing a sandwich board that says "Laugh now, but one day we'll be in charge."

"Sea Change" ain't no slouch either.

Prisoner Night
Years back my friend got me the DVD set because he knew I'd always wanted to see it. My roommates and I set up a system where once a month we would clean the entire apartment top-to-bottom, then order Chinese food, smoke a bowl and watch 1 episode. It took us over a year to do the whole series, but it

The whole world as the Village?
That is my dream. What's yours?
To be the first man on the moon.

A Wednesday Buzzkill for sure. RIP.

Roger that, Guy!
And I meant Maxwell Smart, not Johnny Carson.
I'll blame that on the new format.

(in Johnny Carson voice)
Would you believe Fountains of Wayne and Vampire Weekend?

Tell the world
Going to see them and Titus Andronicus tomorrow night on some kind of North Jersey dream bill (They may be Brooklyn transplants, but Jersey is calling dibs- we had 'em first). They join Teddy Rock Star and Yo La Tengo in the pantheon of Greats.

Who did he play in Miller's Crossing?

Wow, Nathan!
You vowed to work The Best Show into every article, and you're keeping to your promise.
Who are you pulling for in the Mayubernatorial race?

Argh! I didn't watch Hobgoblins twice last weekend to be upstaged by some jerk!
Choose your Garden Weasel, somejerk…

My Year of Midwest Electro-twee
Call me when they get their equivalent of Nathan.

They don't have to like the *exact* same stuff as me, but I just need to know that we're relatively on the same page. I could never date somebody who listened to top 40, but to be fair, they probably wouldn't want to date me either.
It works the other way too. I'd probably marry Rosie O'Donnell if I found out she

Ah, what the hell…

well gentlemen, if there's nothing else…

Not to mention