
it's just too perfect
A Brooklyn band starts off the interview with the phrase "Have you ever heard of…?"

Yous better all watch this show, yous Phila-dummies.

Somebody asked this already, but it bears repeating:
What was Nathan's first?

Let's not forget to mention that WFMU is hands-down the greatest cult/radio station in the country. The Best Show is awesome, for sure- but make sure to use it as a gateway show to Seven Second Delay, Fool's Paradise, Dave the Spazz, Downtown Soulville, Jones and X-Ray, Cherry Blossom Clinic…the station is really

I may be a total dick wipe today, but you'll be Lobsters forever.
I win.

I'm just not comfortable with the fact that I'm supposed to laugh at myself for liking the stuff I like, as if there were something wrong with it. I'm supposed to laugh at myself for liking racquetball? Why? These aren't affectations. It's not irony. I just love the stuff I love.

kill the white people
This guy definitely comes across as an OK kinda guy, but I'm not crazy about the site. I can laugh at myself for being bald and I can laugh at myself for being pale, and I can laugh at myself when I say or do something stupid. But I can't laugh at myself for liking girls with bangs or Ted Leo or

You had me
…until the words "Alien Vs. Predator."

If you take the expectations that you currently have into the movie, you'll enjoy it.
Those were exactly my sentimonies, and I wound up enjoying it. Not 5 stars or anything, but a fun time.

I heard about this on IDMBDB, the internet Dave Matthews Band database.

You guys rule.
Of course the irony is that the Onion provides me with so much web content that I never need to leave the house.

the original odd couple
I'd like to see him and Tom Wilkinson do some sort of buddy picture. Preferably with the Coens.

Nuts to that.
I'm holding out for "Celebrity Boom Blox."

I loved him in "Mississippi Alien."

Alright people- are you ready to boo-gay?! Cuz we're gonna play some authentic, way-down-in-the-Delta blues!

Wait, what?
In what parallel universe is the line "I want my buffalo now!"
The line is "But I want it now!"
End of story.

Isolationist Drills
"The only way to actually win progressive victories in a moment like this is to not be afraid to be populist. And that means going after big business and corporate welfare quite aggressively."

oh! oh!
Know what I hate?
When my boss comes over and says "Where are we with the so-and-so project?" Or "How are we doing with the Pensky File?"
*We're* not anywhere with it. *I* am doing fine. Leave me alone.

When did all this shit start?
Was it Bennifer?

"Flying" is one of my favorite Beatles songs.