
Why the hell do I always ignore this feature? What the hell is wrong with me? Fred is the rawest motherfucker ever to live. I'm gonna put on "The First Recordings" right now…

AH, something weird
Without them, I'd be stuck NOT watching spaghetti western trailers, vintage porn and Basket Case. That's no kinda life.

I believe Phife Dawg from the Zulu Nation liked them "brown, *yellow*, Puerto Rican or Hatian."

Reason fell off after their first EP…

TCoOS is keepin' it real!
I'll never listen to indie rock again.

The correct answer is "Come Dancin'."

Personally I don't think anybody, no matter how rockin', should get a pass- be it Aerosmith, Frank Black or Bruce.
But playing by the rules, Bruce gets more passes than just about anybody.

Same goes for YouTube. The N-word might be toxic everywhere else, but it's alive and well on YouTube. Obama? N-word. Sharon Jones? N-word. A capella gospel group? N-words.
Those comment sections make me want to kill myself.

Also no.
No a thousand times over.

I used to love that song in high school.
And I don't remember for certain, but I'd be dollars to donuts I masturbated to that video too.

Ah, what the hell.

…and Nathan Lane as "Johnny Too Bad!"

…and Shia LeBeouf as Richard Hell AND Tom Verlaine.

You got to go to a Soup taping?
I hate you so, so much.
Though I *did* get my picture taken with Joel at his NY show…

…with Shia LeBouf as David Byrne.

one can only assume
that the "hardcore partying" involved Johnny Dakota in some way.
Or perhaps Rappin' Ken Kelly.

I'm guessing
that wasn't Husker Du's "Green Eyes"…

I hope whoever chose that typeface got fired.

I also spent my Friday and Saturday nights watching Golden Girls and Empty Nest and It's A Living and the 80s Twilight Zone. But I wasn't a loser like you people- my Mom said I was the coolest kid in school.

In Switters' defense, it's hard to be a fembot inside a femputer living in a manbot inside a manputer's world.