
is that gene simmons?
Devendra Banhart needs to have some chicken fries and a coke so I can tell his body apart from Natalie's.

Which AV Clubber had the theory that a star's development gets arrested at the time of their greatest success, a la Michael Jackson?
I think Lydon is as good a testament to that as you're gonna find.

and Biafra both need to go to the Joe Strummer School of Not Clinging To The Past and Acting Like A Fucking Idiot Way Past Your Prime.

"blue-green preppie short shorts, a pink T-shirt, fanny pack, glasses with Blue Blocker clip-on shades, and a cheesy thin mustache."

I will never, ever shut up about how terrible Billy Joel is.

I saw him 5 or 6 years ago at Caroline's. I wouldn't say it was terrible, but it definitely wasn't worth the price of admission.

fucking awesome
I'm just going to go to my friend's place and play "Uncontrollable Urge" and "Teenage Riot" until my hands bleed.

To paraphrase Monty Python: This is not a movie for watching- it's a movie for laying down and avoiding.


it's uncanny!
I don't know how well it fits in with all the other items, but there's always Bela Lugosi being recast in the middle of Plan 9. I guess nobody gives two fucks for Bela.

And Nabin's promise of mentioning Scharpling & Wurster more often enters its second day!
I can't wait to see how you work it into the review for "Donkey Punch."
"DONKEY PUNCH's protagonists are killed off like so many New Bridge Mayubernatorial candidates…"

no fucking way
is there a movie called "Donkey Punch."
No fucking way.

Garbage cubes you can believe in
WALL*E/Springsteen in 08

By AV Club standards, yes.

Vanilla Ice
was 1994? Huh. I don't remember him competing for chart position with Nirvana…but what do I know? I'm not on TV.


It was then that I noticed…Tasha's…sweet can…

For real. I was in Boracay which was mostly Korean tourists and they *all* did it. Then me and my American/Filipino friends started doing it in every picture.

I was gonna say he got away with it because he was drumming, but then look at Dogstar. So I'm going to agree with that post about star wattage. When "California" came out he was known, but nowhere near a household name. Still isn't. But he's seen Natalie Portman's hooha, so he should be worshiped as a God.

Was it…