
Who you gonna call?

"Rhine Jive Click", GBV.
And what's up with rappers nowadays? Why do they all come off as so fuckin' LAZY? It seems like there's so few words in these songs and the delivery is all slow and garbled. Rakim used to rhyme non-stop for six and a half minutes in one song! I guess that bullshit is sorta like the Nickelback

Sometimes I just like to take time out and thank God for Fugazi.

I shoot squirrels-ah. They enter my garden GARDEN…GARDEN-ah. GARDEN-ah. They were flocking-ah, eating my turnips-uhhhh and my blue ribbon carrots-ah. Spoiling my chances in the Harvest Time Festivalllll-ah…

God bless you, irritant.
Slayer isn't even metal. They're total poseurs.

I agree with ZMF. Velvet Revolver is fucking terrible.

"He's said that just because he sung the words doesn't mean that's what he himself thought."

Wait, did you actually listen to the lyrics of that song? I'll assume you didn't.

Hey ZoMoFo- you should probably tell Slayer it's not the 80s anymore too, right? Yeah, I think you should.

Dear Amelie
There are too many comments on this post. Please eliminate three.

You know what makes me horny?

President Heigl
"No one belongs at the top of 2008's Top 99 more than Katherine Heigl."

This might be the most ridiculous conversation in AV Club board history.

I gotta say
Parker Posey's was actually hilarious:
8. Next time a woman is acting crazy, break into applause and see what happens.

Yup. I just went last week to see it. Was it bigger in the fall? All they have up now is a few posters, the video and a Sonic Youth CD. The Martin Puryear exhibit was the hype though…

If we listed every awesome band that doesn't change up instrumentation or use different tunings we'd be here all day. So I'll just say Rocket From The Crypt and be done with it.

You know any band that The Fall covers (The Monks, The Sonics, The Move) has some *serious* streed cred.

Right. But it *does* explain where Spike Lee got Radio Raheem's speech in "Do The Right Thing."

Young Livers Rule
RFTC is one of the Greatest Bands of All Time. If you don't like them, I will kill you.
Up Yours.