
Springfield Prison
Inside every hardened criminal beats the heart of a 10 year-old boy…

Who wha?
I love this feature because it's a monthly reminder of how little an idea I have about what's going on. You were right, AV Club- the kids are *not* listening to Arcade Fire.


I heard quite a bit about the Guilford story, but Dan's answer really knocked it out of the fuckin' park.

Best RR ever.

Alls I know is
…when I sat down at my desk this morning and saw the words "Patton Oswalt Responds", I nearly pissed my pants with glee.
But now what?
Maybe next week Ted Leo will start a beef with Gerry Coslie from the Sonics…

Nah, he doesn't do a character bit or anything.

Spot on.

I stopped caring about DC a couple years ago. He has the right to say and do whatever he wants, for money or integrity or any other reason. It's a free county. But no matter what he's doing, he's an asshole, so I claim the right not to pay attention to him anymore.

"Thank you, Santa - for bringing Christmas to the children of Mars…and the Christmas spirit to everyone."

…and "Dazed & Confused" seals the deal.

Good point!
Fuck that guy!
He's in the Hate Pit.

That's the worst.
Isn't that just the worst?
That's the fuckin' worst.

Gotta love him.
He's virtually hateproof.

Oh, please shut the fuck up.

Do The Jacques Tati
I love Tati so much. He's like the cinematic equivalent of Jonathan Richman. He's totally hateproof. Well I shouldn't say "hateproof", since on the AV Club there's plenty of hate for even the kindest soul, but Tati is as close as it gets.

Ooh! And The Stranger! Bump it! Bump it I say!

Have the makers of this list actually *seen* Will Oldham, or did they just imagine what he looks like?
Anyhoo, M.I.A. gets my vote for #1. She's like other-worldly hot.

I crawled through the mud, but I never gave up.
Good to see Teddy Rock Star post up his 4th flawless album in a row. Hear hear.

Don't go in the bathroom with me.
I'll put a knife right in you.