
Roger that, Jason.
"Living" is by far the most varied.
And really "Distance" and "Hearts" were fairly varied as well. The only one that wasn't was "Shake the Sheets", which is my favorite because of how short and consistent it is. But I like "Give 'em Enough Rope" more than "London Calling", so, y'know…

S Words
I work for a place that makes shit like this. Actually, it's worse than that- we take existing shit like this and repackage it. My boss thinks nobody is buying "Delicious Can" because it doesn't have our company's logo on it. My art director's office is filled with light-up swords as we speak.

I love how hate-filled this thread about hate-filled comments is. It's like the Hater Snake eating its own tail!

My Favorite AV Club Moment Ever
was when Ted Leo left a comment after his interview.
It was like that scene on Futurama when Leela showed up in the chat room and all the nerds got scared.

That's a great point.
It's like my theory that Jonathan Richman is 10 times more punk than the punkiest punks. Anybody can get up and scream about Bush. I can do it. So could my cubicle-mate. Or my little cousin. But to get up and sing about why you love Springtime in New York or why you're attracted to goth chicks?

"I don't know! They were jammies! They had…Yodas and shit on 'em!"

I remember seeing Hudsucker as a young, naive filmgoer and thinking "Whoa man! That movie is going to *sweep* the Oscars…"
I hadn't learned yet that the Oscars and everyone who votes for or watches them, is dumb.

And when Randall Cobb busts thru the gas station door it says "POE OPE" on it. Like in "Strangelove."

I read this RR and thought "Finally! Something the assholes won't be able to complain about."
But as usual, the assholes have spoken.
As I was typing that, "Egg Man" by Beastie Boys came up on my iPod and I thought "Huh…I didn't think I had any Beastie Boys songs on there…" It's from a mix that my friend made

It's amazing how much stress you get from keeping a clean harddrive. It's the same as your home or apartment, except it doesn't actually take up "real" space.
Anyways, I come from a long line of pack rats (my crazy grandfather famously filled up his beautiful lakefront property with decades worth of shit), so

"Who doesn't like Billy Joel, in some fond, warm, slightly damp compartment of their soul?"

Sad to say this is one of maybe two or three times where I've differed with the AV Club. There was some good tension and a few genuinely scary moments, but the acting *was* wooden, due in part to an absolutely horrible script. Marcia Gay Harden was *totally* comic and overblown. It would've been creepier and

It's such an ambitious idea that I have to root for it.

Slanted & Enchanted didn't necessarily speak to me (fruit-covered nails?), but it did suggest to me that I was different at a time when I didn't know what indie rock was.
Shake the Sheets actually changed my attitude towards everything. Life *is* a bitch, and everybody *is* out to fuck you, so you'd better

I'd say it's extremely conventional, it's just not mainstream. I mean, Konono No. 1 these guys ain't. So let's agree to disagree, internet stranger!

"Weirdness?" Really? I'd rank them about 2 steps below Nickelback on my weird-o-meter.

I think whether or not you like his stuff has everything to do with who you are as a person and what you respond to. Although I guess you could make that argument about every movie. Still- I have to go in the "can't do movies about unlikeable people" column.

"…and har…den."

Thanks for the tip on Brand New- looks like bookmark material to me!

I never thought I would say this, but I officially like King of the Hill more than the Simpsons. Last night's offensively out-of-touch / delightfully in-touch episodes clinched it.