
Meh. As long as it doesn't interrupt Seinfeld reruns.

Isn't that funny? It was always my understanding that "hip-hop" was the culture that contained within it the activities of MCing, graffiti, breakdancing and DJing. Unless "Style Wars" steered me wrong which, heh, I don't think it did.

they should give them complimentary dialing wands.

That's funny- I bought 13 when it came out and I've been trying to like it for all these years. I'm still not crazy about it, but I won't give up on it. I just keep insisting that at some point I'll come around to it. Like "Batman Returns." I haven't liked it for the past 16 years, but I just know that I will some day.

Oooh! You're so close- actually, it would be voicing a Jan Svankmajer puppet.

That hurt. It was the first one of their films I officially didn't like. But I have the utmost faith in them. They'll probably knock out another half dozen masterpieces by the time they retire.

I had to agree. I am and forever will be a "Seinfeld" (the show) fan, but Seinfeld (the person) has just lost it. I hope he enjoys the company of Kevin Smith, Micky Dolenz and all those Family Guy DVDs.

Best Show
Don't know if there are any "Best Show" fans here- but Tom spent the last half hour of the show last night tearing Seinfeld a third corn chute, which culminated in him being tossed in The Hate Pit.

Best Show
Don't know if there are any Tom Scharpling fans on here, but Seinfeld got tossed in the Hate Pit last night.

Keep it rolling…
That just brings it one musician closer to being my turn. I believe I'm up right after Young MC, Daniel Johnston and a guy who plays mandolin in the subway.

I'm surprised to hear that people take Ebert seriously. I read his reviews that Netflix links to and they generally read like book reports, with very little insight. Is it a Midwest thing, or a nostalgia thing having been raised by his reviews? I used to love watching the show, especially when I started to

Why shouldn't her videos be subject to the same horrible, grammatically incorrect, inane, racist comments that all of ours are?

Score another
in the "made me sad" column. Mr. & Mrs. Smith? Really? A movie from 2 years ago with no horror/sci-fi/fantasy elements in it at all? Couldn't have gone with like, Saw or something? I worry that they're treading in George Lucas/KISS territory. Please don't make me out-and-out hate you, Simpsons. Please.

That's funny, 'cuz I always say the same thing about "Bossanova."
Anyhoo- I agree with everybody. At this point in my life I never ever want to read another blurb about "In The Aeroplane…" or "Loveless" or "It Take A Nation of Millions…" ever again. Ever.

Long Shadow
God I miss Joe. And I have to take to my grave the fact that I never saw him before he checked out.

Let's go see Saw
No, "see Saw." Do you want to see Saw?
I want to see Saw too.
I want to see Saw II too.

The 1st Amendment to that being the music you listen to because it appeals to what you *wish* to be. I listen to The Mummies because I wish I could give up hygiene in favor of driving around in an old station wagon and having unprotected sex while drinking 'til I vomit. I listen to Ice Cube because sometimes I want to

Gah. I wasn't going to bring it up, but yeah- how about a Random Roles with Robert Englund? A Crosstalk about The Misfits? God knows I don't want to belittle the amount of work that was put into the F13 piece (I traveled that road myself once) but it's just not what I was expecting on Halloween.

There are 3 things
I've learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.

This ain't no nightclub
That place was kinda sad. They either had secret shows with huge bands that nobody could get into, or tiny no-name shows that nobody wanted to get into. I knew a girl who bartended there who said kids would drive across the country to play there just because it was CBGB. Then they'd get to NYC,