
If anyone is looking to expand their playlist via illegal downloading:
"Dinner With Dracula" by John Zacherle
"Drac's Back" by Billy DeMarco
"Dracula" by Gorillaz
"Dracula" by The Zane Brothers
"Dracula's Daughter" by Screaming Lord Sutch
"Vampira" by Bobby Bare (Sr.)
"The Vampire" by Archie King

As far as songs that are actually about the physical act of walking?
"When I'm Walking" by Jonathan Richman.

Hey George-
Yeah, I saw your comment and left a reply immediately after my first comment. Unfortunately it's now on page Gazillion. But yeah- good lookin' out!

Welp, that shut me up.
Oh no wait…it proved my point.

Like the knuckle-draggers at Maxim would turn down an advance from *any* of the people on that list.

Everything Sucksism
Jesus tap-dancin' Christ.
What do you think the odds are that *every* single person who does a Random Rules is a pretentious hipster? At some point I hope you- and I'm directing this at the people that maliciously tear apart every fucking article on this site- realize that maybe you're the one with

That's cool by me- I hate just about every indie rock band imaginable. And that's a good point, Kid- people who defend animals are fuckin' assholes.
Anyways, I think a lot of the Office people have MySpace profiles for their characters. Check it out.

Actually it's on her MySpace profile. In fact at one point it said that she majored in Graphic Design, which means she would've been in the same classes as me and Dr. Colossus. A couple of our friends still live up there and do design work for the Chamber of Commerce.
Also, though Ted's fans may (or may not) be

Pam claims that she attended Marywood University and was an art major between 98 and 2000. If that's so, then how come I never saw her in the art building? Huh? That show is totally fake.
Also, theonlygirlphilosopher- it's funny 'cuz when I was reading your comment I had Ted Leo's tour schedule open in another

Somebody shouted out Fisher-Whale-Lewton. That's what I'm talkin' about.

I gotta say I'm a little miffed by the fact that neither Eli nor any commenters are showing any love for the *classic* classics. No representation for any Universal monsters? No love for Karloff or Lugosi? Not even an Abbot & Costello meet somebody-or-other for kicks? It's Halloween after all- sometimes you have

"Police & Thieves" (either Junior Murvin or The Clash) *is* better than every song on the list (not that I'm disparaging the list).

This is awesome
For folks like me, who fucking hate Van Halen.

FOIL method
Though I think there'd be a lot of varying ideas on what the latter Pollard courses in the Primer would contain (many seem to say Isolation Drills, whereas I would say Devil Between My Toes), I imagine we can all agree that Pollard 101 is "Bee Thousand" and "Alien Lanes", which will serve as a prerequisite

Of course it's tough to dismiss an album (or movie or book or whatever) I know is bad because I admire the creator so much. That's like a prerequisite for being in the AV Club. Fortunately I crossed that bridge with Bob years ago, and I'm about the biggest GBV fan around. I'm getting a lot better at it as I get

I've always said
Bob just never goes away long enough for us to miss him.