
I disagree. Ned had a keen sense of honor and justice, and there's nothing honorable or just in killing ANYONE for the actions of his family members. Ned killed the deserter because the penalty for desertion is death. The man was not innocent.

It could be some supplement Melisandre takes. I mean she did give birth to a demon, and Patchface did mention dancing shadows at some point.

Holy shit! Now I want to watch this on acid.

Oh, and fuck you for not likin what I like and all that nonsense rabble rabble rabble!

Fair enough. I've given up on several shows a long ways in to them. I have better things to do in my mom's basement, but to each his own.

Y'know I was kinda thinking that too after I posted that. Jeff Winger is shaking his head in disappointment.

Do you know what racism is?

I've been thinking flashforward. It has to be in the finale too.

No mention of "Clevelad is the city equivalent of a slap in the face?" (Or whatever the hell it was.)

Dude, chill out. If you don't like what they're doing don't watch it.

It's not racist; it's parody—and damn good parody at that. Would it have worked as well to have three random East Asian actors as Marshall's teachers or have Robin, Lily, and Ted dressed in their normal clothing? Would it have been funnier if Marshall had wandered into McClaren's in three different locales?

I really wanted to see Margaery looking on trying to disguise her horror (maybe) at what she had enabled Joffrey to do. Given their weird foreplay scene earlier this season, it would've fit.


I remember thinking of Arrested Development after reading that, and ever since I can't stop imagining Ron Howard narrating the series.

Wait. Melisandre doesn't have a funky accent, and she's foreign. I think that might just be a detail the powers that be decided not to bother with as far as certain characters are concerned.