
I am serious… and don't call me Shirley

What a Duke-tastrophe!

Related note: anyone ever see The Last Time I Committed Suicide? With Keanu Reeves alongside Adrien Brody and Thomas "I just want my kids back" Jane as Neal Cassady? It seemed like a noble idea for a movie: not as ambitious as trying to film "On the Road," but instead making a movie that's a smaller slice of life

Radiant cool, crazy nightmare
Zen New Jersey nowhere..

Speaking of A Fish Called Wanda, what about in Fierce Creatures when John Cleese misspeaks and calls Wilma "Wanda" instead? C'mon, AV Club, that's a big ol' miss, I'd say.

Jerry Jeff Walker
Simply must be part of this experiment for it to yield usable data.

Speaking of Bee Gees: I am all about their early stuff, but the discotastic years have pretty much kept anyone from taking them seriously. "I've Got to Get a Message to You," "I Can't See Nobody," "New York Mining Disaster 1941." and the list goes on. But the less said about "I Started a Joke," the better.

O cruel fate!
I'll have to wait to see this on DVD, since there's no possible way it will play in my town, and the wait may just kill me. But see it I will. Not only did I spend nearly my whole life living on the MT Hi-Line, but I spent a summer building oil pipelines specifically in the Sweetgrass Hills region of

Man, back in the pre-internet days, it took me weeks to track down "Cards as Weapons." But I just looked it up a second ago and now it's a friggin' PDF file on Scribd. That's cool and everything, but my fourteen-year-old self thinks it's extremely unfair.

Did you also forget Jerry Jeff Walker?

What, is she funny or something?

Maybe it's a little late in the game to be hollerin' requests, but I won't recognize the validity of this project without the inclusion of Jerry Jeff Walker.

A neat companion to this movie would be "Class C," a PBS doc from a few years ago about Montana girls basketball. I mean, it's not even in the same ballpark when it comes to quality and scope of vision, but the themes are similar. Opposite, maybe, but related. Definitely worth it if you can track it down.

Grab the space gun, we're out of here.

Mexican garage rock from the 60's.
I was at a Cinco de Mayo Mexican wrestling show in Chicago a few years back and the DJ played a rough and jangly Spanish-language version of "Mother's Little Helper." It took me a long time to track it down ("Pequena ayuda de mama" by Los Ovnis, it turns out), but that one song

Wait—Sidney? Someone in Sidney-goddamned-Montana reads this stuff? Huh.