Rubiks Tesseract

The movie clip was from The Secret of My Success.

I double dog DARE you to do a Gospel Bill article. I used to watch that show a lot when I was a kid. I have no excuse, though. My parents weren't particularly religious and I had cable.

Also, is it just me or did Lydia seem like someone that would fit naturally in Eagleton?

The missing pieces are starting to materialize.

Jesse Pinkman escapes with his life intact.  He cleans up his act.  Maybe Pinkman's wood shop fantasy nurture in him a desire to live off of the grid and develop woodworking as a hobby.  Jesse decides to leave the southeast because of too many memories.  Maybe a small town in the midwest would clear his head.  Because

Great list. I'd also like to recommend "Andy Kaufman — Revealed!" by Bob Zmuda. 

I think the same thing about Courtney Love.

My friend prefers the term "fruit fly".

It was nice to see former Bozo Joey D'Auria as the owner of Golden Oldies, being a Chicago kid and all.

It was nice to see former Bozo Joey D'Auria as the owner of Golden Oldies, being a Chicago kid and all.

I'd love to see a weekly recap.  I'm enjoying this show way more than any of the comics right now.

@avclub-5dedb42b34e50082065a783265ce28a8:disqus  Like every other seventy year-old, Paul McCartney had to wake up early so he could walk around the mall at five a.m.

Not if it means that Billy Walsh is a real person.  Nothing is worth that.

I'm just worried that he's doing this for research on his next big project: an Aquaman movie starring Vincent Chase.  I occasionally have nightmares that Entourage is real.

Favorite match?
Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat from WrestleWar `89

If he wasn't 700 pounds, he was definitely close. I saw him up close about a month before he died. I've never seen a bigger guy, and I live in the midwest…

Slumber Party Massacre 2
I have been obsessed with that movie (particularly the weird-ass, rockabilly Driller Killer) since I was a very small child and, in fact, my obsession with the Driller Killer turned me on to The Cramps (due to a very-brief-and-extremely-convoluted case of mistaken identity) which are now my

Speaking of movies that are obvious William Castle loveletters…
Popcorn makes a nice double feature with Matinee.

babysue? Ha!
babysue used to be the first website I'd show people when we were swapping funny pages. A Parent's Guide to Satanic Cult Ritual Abuse might be the funniest thing I've ever read.

My choice?
A documentary about Marvelman. In light of Marvel Comic's recent accuisition, there seems to finally be an end to this story, maybe.