Every Everything

Saw this at the Melbourne Film Festival, I thoroughly loved it, although that may be because the Shining is my favourite film and Im very obsessed with it. Even if you don't agree with the theories espoused in room 237, there's clearly a lot going on beneath the surface in "The Shining". This documentary does well at

It's amazing: all the characters have developed so well, the scenes are so much less predictable in their flow, the dynamics between the characters are changing in interesting ways…. and yet my only thought regarding Jessa remains "She better die or get the fuck out of this episode". I really just hate her with all my

Nah, a kanye lyric is more like a clever reference to pop culture followed by a series of stupid noises. Genius, obviously

What's the 'typical' Hollywood resolution in Zodiac? We potentially find out who the killer was, but it's brilliant and unusual in that the opportunity to catch him and deliver justice has passed - I get chills just thinking about that ending. Such a great film


chocolatestigmata You've got to get a life, sorry, stop writing short essays about how much you hate this show - we get it! I kept scrolling down the page and, again, you keep popping up making sure everyone knows the show sucks. I think "hate-watching" shows is becoming a real thing people do, but I don't understand

chocolatestigmata You've got to get a life, sorry, stop writing short essays about how much you hate this show - we get it! I kept scrolling down the page and, again, you keep popping up making sure everyone knows the show sucks. I think "hate-watching" shows is becoming a real thing people do, but I don't understand

Yeah I'm sorry, this review is pretty poor - rambling about how Ron is 'desirable', with no proper discussion of what happened, the jokes, the important moments; just some incoherent theory about the show as a whole. Plus, mentioning "as I said in paragraph 1" is pretty embarrassing to me.

Yeah I'm sorry, this review is pretty poor - rambling about how Ron is 'desirable', with no proper discussion of what happened, the jokes, the important moments; just some incoherent theory about the show as a whole. Plus, mentioning "as I said in paragraph 1" is pretty embarrassing to me.

I think in some ways the album benefits from being less 'epic' or grand in its ambitions than the Monitor - I love how the hooks are a bit more direct on this one, and there's a lot of beautiful/melodic moments that jump out. Very satisfied with it so farr.

I think in some ways the album benefits from being less 'epic' or grand in its ambitions than the Monitor - I love how the hooks are a bit more direct on this one, and there's a lot of beautiful/melodic moments that jump out. Very satisfied with it so farr.

From my experience Tom Wolfe's books read like screenplays for exciting movies, but not like good novels. Hence all the MANY exclamation marks and onomatopoeias in Bonfire of the Vanities.

From my experience Tom Wolfe's books read like screenplays for exciting movies, but not like good novels. Hence all the MANY exclamation marks and onomatopoeias in Bonfire of the Vanities.