
Is that Diablo III on console? I played through the campaign on PC a few years back after all the improvements, and enjoyed it a fair bit. It heated my poor laptop to a worrying degree, though, so I've been thinking about jumping over to console to play all the non-campaign stuff.

That's some lovely writing, Patrick; the paragraph about Darkest Dungeon in particular made me more excited to play that game than anything else I've read. Plus, the hot drinks part made me chuckle.

Is your distaste for the PS4 controls due to you having tried Darkest Dungeon with alternative setup? Mouse and keyboard?

Aside from the sequence you outlined in your original comment (which sounded very obnoxious indeed), what else about the structure puts you off?

Good to hear you're getting back into the gaming swing of things; I hope that signals things might be getting better for you in general as well.

(Upvoted in solidarity for having few/no local friends)

Midway through my relatively well-deserved two week break between the end of summer temp gig and new school year. After a month and a half of constant dog-tiredness, I finally feel up to both playing videogames and chatting about them with lovely people on the internet. I've missed this place a lot, so much so that I

Few hoary comedic go-tos make me wince more than when US talk show hosts or standups crack jokes about the French and the second World War ("surrender monkeys" etc).

After coming close to actual weeping watching that interview, bursting out laughing at this felt very cathartic and lovely. Thank you.

Welcome, and happy de-lurking! I know from personal experience it can seem daunting to take part in all the wonderful conversations around here, but these really are the loveliest people, so take heart.

She's an amazing actor, but I can't ever remember seeing her play anything even remotely close to the weirdness we've come to expect from the Doctor. Though come to think of it, there's a distinct lack of zaniness in what I've seen of Tennant or Capaldi's other work, so looking to Whittaker's filmography for hints as

Even though I only watched the first three seasons — I can normally stomach less-than-perfect plots just fine if the rest of the thing is good enough, but the way the third ended and the fourth started annoyed me enough to make me drop the show outright — I'll always treasure The L Word. I should probably be

Looking forward to hearing how you fare on the rest of the S levels in 3D Land. I think I might have said before on here, but trying to nail the precision platforming in the very last one is one of the most exhilarating gaming experiences I've ever had. Such a lovely game.

Being in that place sucks (I've lived there for most of my adult life), and I'm sorry you're there right now. I wish I had some veteran magic bullet advice, but in my opinion, there's no such thing, regrettably. We're all too different. If you can manage it, though, the basic physical stuff is really important: eat

Hey, I've been away for a few weeks, has there been any official comment made on the Kinja stuff (I guess that's what you're alluding to)?

I know it was just meant as a burn, but now I really want to read a story were someone travels back in time just to do that.

Congrats on getting the job, it sounds really exciting! I've been griping about my current job taking time away from gaming, but honestly, I'm so incredibly thankful that I have this place to go every day (or several times a week, during the school year) that almost never fails to make me happy and fulfilled by the

Suddenly, all those lame-ass commercials about pretty people playing video games at parties and whatnot that we've been cringing at for just about the entire history of the medium are disturbingly close to reality, thanks to the Switch. Being a friendless shut-in, I haven't seen one in the wild myself, but the uncanny

Flip yes it is! Even though I probably won't be playing it for a good while, I kinda feel like buying it at launch just to let Squeenix know (with dollars) how much I appreciate the — by all accounts — stellar job they've made on this reissue.

Huh, neither of those are on sale at PSN in my neck of the woods at the moment. There is, however, a rather ridiculous Japan-centric sale on, which is perhaps even more tempting than the Steam sale to me. If you have PS+, Yakuza 0 can be got at a considerable discount, for instance. The previous two (PS3) games in the